  • 學位論文


A Study of Advertising Effect on Fan Page

指導教授 : 李月華


隨著社群媒體的崛起,促使企業紛紛成立Facebook的粉絲專頁,作為與消費者之間的溝通管道。企業品牌粉絲專頁雖然擁有大量的粉絲人數,若是粉絲的成員互動能力不足,缺乏有效的品牌行銷推廣,就浪費了經營粉絲專頁的意義。故若能用心經營粉絲專頁並與粉絲互動,增加po文的吸引性,將原本只是有興趣加入的粉絲,變成為品牌的忠實客戶,即可對於企業品牌產生正面價值。本研究將探討以粉絲專頁為例,以廣告訊息po文的吸引性與粉絲間的互動關係,如何產生行銷廣告效益,使消費者感受到品牌價值,並採取消費行動。 本研究目的:一、探討FB粉絲專頁廣告吸引性對於粉絲專頁的廣告效果。二、探究粉絲專頁的互動程度對粉絲專頁的廣告效果是否具有中介效果。希望能藉由以上這二個目的,提供企業品牌在未來經營Facebook 品牌粉絲專頁上的方向與建議,並有助於提升 Facebook 品牌粉絲專頁的經營成效。 本研究利用三項粉絲專頁的廣告吸引性(產品資訊、促銷資訊及品牌形象)以及二項廣告效果(品牌偏好度及購買意願),分別探討其與粉絲專頁成員間互動程度之相關性。調查方法採用網路問卷調查法,透過前測修訂題目後進行正式施測,共計回收 504 份有效問卷。 本研究之結論摘要如下:一、粉絲專頁的廣告吸引性高低並未完全影響粉絲專頁互動程度。二、粉絲專頁互動程度對粉絲專頁的廣告效果具高度影響。三、粉絲專頁的廣告吸引力對於粉絲專頁的廣告效果具高度影響。


In order to communicate with consumers, more and more companies had their own Facebook fan pages by development of social media. Sometimes the intention of managing a fan page was wasted, if members of operating a fan page were lack of capability of consumer communication, branding and marketing, even fan volume was tremendous. On the other hand, if members of operating a fan page were able to make posts more attractive to consumers and well act with fans, it would be a good opportunity to make the fans become loyal customers and create a positive value for branding. Based on examples of Facebook fan page, This research surveyed the relation and relevancy between the attraction of posts and fans’ feedback, furthermore tried to find out how an positive effect of advertisement make consumers feel the value of brand, even make purchase. Research Purpose 1: To find out how the attraction of advertisement on Facebook fan page was relevant to the effect of the advertisement of fan page.Research Purpose 2: To find out if the extend of Interaction between fans’ feedback and posts helped the effect of the advertisement of fan page. By finding these two purposes, hopefully some advises were provided for companies to increase the effect after running their Facebook fan pages.This research is about the relation and relevancy among three subjects below:Subject 1 Attraction of the fan page: product description, promotion, and brand image.Subject 2 the effect of the advertisement: Brand loyalty and purchase intention.Subject 3 The extend of the Interaction between fans and the operating members of fan page.The research method used investigation of internet questionnaire pretested and revised formally. 504 valid questionnaires were collected. The summary of the research conclusion was as below: 1.The attraction of the fan page is low relevant to the extend of the interaction between posts and fans’ feedback. 2.The extend of interaction between posts and fans’ feedback is high relevant to the effect of the advertisement. 3.The attraction of the fan page is highly relevant to the effect of the advertisement.


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