  • 學位論文


How did the Nonprofit Organization build their brand images?: A case study of “World Vision” Taiwan

指導教授 : ¶À®¶®a


近年來,隨著人們對社會議題的逐漸重視,非營利組織如雨後春筍般出現,在全球的發展中進入了高度成長期。在臺灣,從1992年到2012年為止,社會福利及慈善團體的數量,就由兩百多個成長到兩千四百多個,因此,為了持續營運,許多非營利組織便採行市場經濟的行銷組合策略,打造自身的品牌權益,增加競爭力。 良好、明確的形象對於非營利組織而言,是爭取社會認同或募集資源時的重要關鍵,而廣告做為一種傳播媒介,不僅能影響消費者的行為,更能改變其態度和想法,因此本研究將藉由個案──臺灣世界展望會,來瞭解非營利組織如何運用多種行銷手法來打造品牌,並藉由活動相關的宣傳廣告經營品牌形象。 本研究採用符號分析法,針對臺灣世界展望會在主流媒體上播送的活動宣傳廣告進行探究,並且利用次級文獻,包括臺灣世界展望會官方網站、非政府組織相關網站,以及有關的報章雜誌報導,再輔以Keller的品牌打造概念,以瞭解臺灣世界展望會傳遞出何種品牌個性,並如何營造品牌形象,擁有品牌優勢,而得以進一步獲得更多的企業贊助、合作或民眾捐款,也同時達成推廣組織核心精神的目標,並且期望研究結果能對其他非營利組織的永續經營有所助益。 研究結果發現,臺灣世界展望會透過報紙、電視、大型看板等大眾媒體宣傳組織活動,並請知名公眾人物代言,號召民眾參與活動、親身體驗,另外也與各式企業合作,開啟更多捐款管道,並且提升組織能見度。在品牌形象方面,其透過報紙新聞報導及電視廣告,長期傳遞出真誠、正直及興奮三個主要的品牌個性構面。


The purpose of this study was to explore how the nonprofit organizations used marketing strategies to build their brand images. The object of the study was the World Vision Taiwan. The study used Barich and Kotler’s framework and Hoshino Katusmi’s advertisement semiotics analysis to discuss the brand images and advertising texts of the World Vision Taiwan. The results revealed that the World Vision Taiwan set up their marketing channels via mainstream media and public welfare activities and create their brand images through multi products strategies, small donations, well-trained staffs, etc. Meanwhile, they invite celebrities to be brand spokesman to appeal to people to have a hand in events and experience by themselves. Also, they cooperate with different industries to explore diverse contributive way and make the World Vision Taiwan to be seen more easily. About brand image, they send sincereness, honesty and excitement of three main brand personalities in the long-term through news-reporting and television advertisement. In symbolic operations on the advertisings, the commercials showed activity endorser and local life mostly, also provided information of activity and contact way. The symbolic value of commercials could be summarized as use value, feeling image and life image. The researchers concluded that the World Vision Taiwan used multi-channel marketing strategies and the symbolic of commercials to convey their concept, to make the brand get into people’s mind, and to let consumers pick out the World Vision Taiwan from many other similar brands swiftly.


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