  • 學位論文

品牌來源國、口碑對智慧型手機購買意圖影響之 研究-以本國中心為干擾變數

A Study of the Effect of Brand of Country-of-Origin and Word-of- Mouth on Purchase Intention for Smart Phone: Ethnocentrism as Moderating Variable

指導教授 : 張俊惠


品牌代表了信賴、信任,產品的技術含量、品質控制的能力、服務的能 力,當然也包括價格,這些環節都做好,才能構成名牌,讓消費者信任。當一 個品牌在消費者心中建立起良好的品牌信任感,消費者在權衡過後,會對該品 牌產生正面的完整型評估,並促使消費者有想要購買此品牌產品的想法,當消 費者在面對眾多品牌必須做出選擇前,必然會對市面上各品牌持有的特性評價 一番然後對各品牌形成正面或負面的態度,進一步影響消費者的購買行為。 本研究目的在探討台灣智慧型手機市場中品牌來源國及口碑對智慧型手機 購買意圖的形成過程中,態度及信任所扮演的中介角色,及探討台灣智慧型手機 市場,消費者的本國中心強度是否會干擾消費者對智慧型手機品牌的購買行為。 本研究使用 SPSS18.0 版及 LISREL8.7 版作為本研究之資料分析工具。 透過結構方程模式分析以驗證本研究假說,得出以下結論: 一、台灣智慧型手機市場中品牌來源國會透過信任及態度的中介來影響消 費者對智慧型手機的購買意圖;口碑對智慧型手機購買意圖的形成不 具有任何的影響力。 二、對台灣智慧型手機的購買行為並不具有干擾作用。 根據本研究之資料料分析結果,發現台灣智慧型手機市場中,品牌來源國 為影響消費者在選購智慧型手機時的態度及信任,進而影響其購買意圖之形 成,此結論可作為相關業者未來制定決策的參考。


A company’s brand represents trust, reliability, product skill, quality control, service and an appealing price. These elements are what make up a brand and earn customers’ trust. When a brand creates value to customers,customers will have a complete and positive evaluation with the brand and it encourages them to make a purchase decision with this brand. When consumers need to make a decision among many brands in the market, they would evaluate every brand’s qualities and specialties, make a positive or negative attitude toward each brand, and this affects their purchase behaviors. One purpose of this study is to discuss will the attitude and confidence toward the brand’s country of origin and public reputation affect Taiwanese consumers when they make a purchasing decision for a smart phone. The other purpose is to discover if the degree of coherence of being Taiwanese will affect consumers making a purchase decision. This study utilizes SPSS18.0 and LISREL8.7 softwareversions to analyze the data. There are two findings from the research: 1. In the Taiwanese smart phone market, consumers’ choice of what brand to buy will be based on the attitude and confidence toward the brand’s country of origin. The public reputation about the smart phone itself does not have a positive impact on the purchasing decision. 2. The degree of coherence of being Taiwanese does not affect purchasing behavior. According to the result of the study, we discovered that the brand’s country of originwould affect consumers’ attitude and confidence when they make purchasing decision on a smart phone. The study’s result can be a reference for a related industry for product development and marketing.


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