  • 學位論文


Constructing the salesperson's presentation way for long-term care insurance industry--conversation capital perspective

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


台灣因家庭結構改變、出生率減少、人口轉型、高齡人口快速增加、意外及疾病所造成的殘疾、以及失智、失能老人驟增,讓日常生活無法自理且須讓人照顧的人口數快速增加,造成國人需要長期看護的人口逐年升高的趨勢,伴隨著國人生活水準提高,醫療技術品質升級,促使長期看護人口平均壽命也逐年增長。然而,在一般民眾連購買保險商品都不見得接受情形下,要如何能未雨綢繆地接受長期看護險就變得難度更高了。故本研究主要目的為,以談話資本觀點探討長期看護險銷售話術之建構。研究方法主要為深入訪談法與文獻資料分析法,針對目標個案做一深入調查研討。有關本研究之幾項重要研究發現如下: 一、探討、分析目前保險業務人員的銷售話術。 二、以談話資本觀點探討長期看護險銷售話術之建構。


Taiwan due to changes in family structure, birth rate reduction, demographic transition, a rapid increase in the elderly population, disability caused by accidents and diseases, as well as dementia, disabled elderly surge, so that daily life can not take care of themselves and take care of the population shall make a rapid increase causing people need long-term care population increased year by year trend, along with the people living standards, upgrade the quality of medical technology, promote long-term care population average life expectancy is increasing year by year. However, in the general population and even buy insurance of goods are not necessarily accept the situation, how to take precautions to accept long-term care insurance becomes more difficult higher. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the construction of the conversation capital point of view long-term care insurance sales technique it. The main research methods for in-depth interviews and literature analysis, to do a thorough investigation of cases targeted research. Several important studies concerning this study found the following: 1. Investigate, analyze the current sales technique insurance personnel. 2. Constructing the salesperson's presentation way for long-term care insurance industry--conversation capital perspective.


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