  • 學位論文


The Effect of Questioning Instruction and Student-Generated Questions Strategy on the Eighth Graders’ Reading Literacy—An Action Research

指導教授 : 吳純萍


2009年PISA 結果報告書中學生閱讀表現分析,都比香港和上海表現為差,尤其以省思與評鑑表現較為弱勢。在閱讀策略方面以控制、摘要為臺灣學生較缺乏的閱讀策略。而教師提問教學法能促使學生多層次思考,學生出題策略讓學生針對閱讀文章出題,有理解培養和理解監控兩個功能。本研究旨在探討教師提問教學法、學生出題策略提升八年級學生閱讀素養之影響。研究方法採用行動研究法,研究對象為台北市某國中八年級19位學生。第一階段針對兩課文言文與兩課白話文進行教師提問法與學生出題策略之教學,教案修正後,再進行下一階段的教學。第二階段針對兩課白話文與兩課文言文進行教師提問法與學生出題策略之教學。本研究以觀察、訪談等質性資料,輔以擷取2006、 2009年PISA閱讀素養試題為前後測來分析對學生閱讀素養之影響,以學習感受量表來了解學生在教師進行提問教學、學生出題策略時的學習感受。研究結果顯示(一)學生在教師進行提問教學時的學習感受良好,覺得課程活潑有趣,與同學討論可以聆聽不同意見。(二)教師進行提問教學法與學生出題策略對學生閱讀素養有正向的影響,比較前、後測結果有提升。提升幅度最高的是閱讀歷程為省思與評鑑的試題,雖然省思與評鑑在前後測中答對率都是最低的,進步也是最多的,而在國文成就測驗上也有提升。教師進行提問教學法時能增加學生對文本的理解、能引發學生對文本思考、協助學生澄清文本重要概念。教師進行學生出題策略時能促使學生反覆閱讀文本、使學生思考文本重點、促使學生深入思考。(三)學生在教師進行學生出題策略教學時的感受良好,覺得出題能發揮創意、有成就感,部分學生對出題感覺困難。


In the 2009 PISA exam, Taiwanese students have poorer performance in reading than students in Hong Kong and Shanghai, especially in the categories of reflection and evaluation. Further examining their reading strategies, Taiwanese students show lower performance in the aspects of controlling and summarizing. Prior studies suggested that questioning instruction may guide students to think the reading from different perspectives while the student-generated question strategy may improve their skills in comprehension and comprehension monitoring during reading.Therefore this study aims to explore the effect of both questioning instruction, and the student generated question strategies on the eighth graders' reading literacy. The action research method is adopted. Nineteen eighth graders in a junior school in Taipei participated in this research. There are two phases of this study. First, both strategies were applied to four lessons, two in classical Chinese and two in written vernacular Chinese. The teaching plans were discussed and revised according to the implementation results of the first stage. In the second stage, the modified teaching plans were practiced in another four lessons. To evaluate the effect of both questioning strategies, students were interviewed, and observed and students’ feedback was collected by questionnaire after class.Students reading literacy was evaluated before and after class by the assessment modified from PISA 2006 and 2009.The findings are listed below. (1) students show positive perception toward the teacher-generated question instruction. They found that the course was interesting and allowed them to discuss and share opinions with their peers. (2) Students show positive perception toward the student-generated question strategy. They felt sense of achievement and the strategy allowed them to show their creativity. However, some students felt challenged to design questions on their own. (3) According to the results of the pre-test and the post-test of reading literacy, both strategies have positive influence on improving students' reading literacy, especially in the categories of reflection and evaluation. The questioning instruction can increase students’ comprehension on the text, trigger their thought about the texts and clarify some key concepts of the texts for them. The student-generated question strategy can encourage them to read the texts several times and conclude the key points themselves and thus think from various perspectives.


林宜篇(2011) 網路學生出題融入生命教育教學對國小學生學習成效之影響(未出版之碩士論文) 。成功大學,台南市。
