  • 學位論文


The Study on Total Quality Management Training for Academic Libraries

指導教授 : 黃鴻珠


長久以來,圖書館以資訊服務為首要目標,因而特別注重使用者服務。圖書館為提升資訊服務品質,必須採用合宜的方法面對世代變化。隨著製造業推動品質提升,促使服務業注重服務品質的重要性,藉由參與ISO9001的品質認證與推動全面品質管理(Total Quality Management, TQM)來達成此目的。近年來國內圖書館界也著手導入品質認證,期能提升既有的服務成果。 推動TQM需仰賴團隊的訓練以及成長,品質相關的訓練與課程相當多元且複雜,何種課程有助於大學圖書館推動TQM及訓練課程之重要性排序,為本研究探討的主要議題。 本研究以立意抽樣法選擇研究對象,挑選曾獲得我國國家品質獎或曾經實施TQM的四所大學的圖書館的26位館員作為受測對象,受測者具有1年以上的圖書館工作經驗,並曾參與該館各項TQM活動的實施。本研究採下列方法進行探討: 1. 蒐集相關文獻進行整理分析,得出大學圖書館推動TQM教育訓練的六個類別。探討企業界及圖書館界之TQM相關教育訓練課程,整理出33門TQM教育訓練課程。 2. 以半結構問卷尋找大學圖書館推動TQM時需要何種教育訓練課程。 3. 以卡片排序方法尋找大學圖書館推動TQM時訓練課程之重要性排序。 本研究將受測者分類為下列三個群體,探討各群體對於教育訓練課程之需求及重要性排名,並分析探討差異的原因。 一、總體樣本的需求依序為:1.市場與顧客導向及需求、2.品質理念與概念的推廣、3.問題發現、解決、改善並預防、4.發展人力與團隊之間的合作關係、5.測量與統計相關數據作為決策參考、6.品質管理工具與流程改善。 二、已通過國家品質獎之大學圖書館受測者的需求順序為:1.市場與顧客導向及需求、2.品質理念與概念的推廣、3.問題發現、解決、改善並預防與發展人力與團隊之間的合作關係並列第三順位、4.品質管理工具與流程改善、5.測量與統計相關數據作為決策參考。 三、未申請國家品質獎之大學的圖書館受測者的需求排序為:1.市場與顧客導向及需求、2.品質理念與概念的推廣、3.問題發現、解決、改善並預防、4.發展人力與團隊之間的合作關係、5.品質管理工具與流程改善、6.測量與統計相關數據作為決策參考。 上述差異的原因為:已通過國家品質獎之大學的圖書館,多與母機構大學一併推動TQM活動,實施TQM已有一段時間且規模與範圍不僅限於圖書館本身,也需考慮如何與母機構的品質管理相結合;同時,獲得國家品質獎需要多年對品質的執著與努力、經歷多次改善才能使服務品質獲得認同,因此,獲得國品獎之大學的圖書館對TQM活動的熟悉程度也較高。未申請國品獎之大學的圖書館則多為初步執行TQM的圖書館。


Providing information services is the first and the most important role for libraries. Thus user services are highly regarded. To improve service quality and customer satisfacion, proper approaches should be taken to face the changing time. With the development and advancement of Industry quality managemet, academic institutions also pay more attention on their service quality. To aquire ISO 9001 quality management certificate and to adopt Total Quality Management (TQM) are the best ways to achieve this goal. Libraries in Taiwan have been introducing these quality management systems recently, and hope to indeed improve their service quality. Training courses in TQM will be an effective way to integrate quality into all aspects of organizations. However, the courses are diversified and complicated. This thesis focus on which training courses are most effective to promote TQM in academic libraries and how to rate these courses. This study takes purposive sampling to choose objects. 26 librarians employed in 4 libraries obtained National Quality Award or had already adopted TQM are chosen. These sampling objects have worked in these libraries for more than one year, and participated physically in the operation of TQM. Two procedures are taken as following: 1. Six categories of contining education about introducing TQM in academic libraries are identified according literature review and analysis. 33 training courses about TQM in business and libraries are categorized in advance. 2. Semi-structured questionnaire was designed to find out what kind of training courses are more perfect to implement in academic libraries. 3. Using card sorting to rate the importance of these TQM training courses in academic libraries. The sampling objects are divided into 3 groups to discuss their needs for training courses, rate importance, and analysis the reason to their differences. A. The needs for all objects are: 1. Market and customer orientation and needs. 2. Quality value and conception promotion. 3. Problems discovery, solution, improvement, and prevention. 4. Development human resources and cooperation relationship within team. 5. Measurement and statistic related data for strategy reference. 6. Tools for quality management and improvement of procedures. B. The needs for the sampling objects of those libraries acquired National Quality Award are: 1. Market and customer orientation and needs. 2. Quality value and conception promotion. 3. Problems discovery, solution, improvement, and prevention. 3. Development human resources and cooperation relationship within team. 4. Tools for quality management and improvement of procedures. 5. Measurement and statistic related data for strategy reference. C. The needs for the sampling objects of those libraries not yet applying for National Quality Award are: 1. Market and customer orientation and needs. 2. Quality value and conception promotion. 3. Problems discovery, solution, improvement, and prevention. 4. Development human resources and cooperation relationship within team. 5. Tools for quality management and improvement of procedures. 6. Measurement and statistic related data for strategy reference. The findings to these differences above are: libraries acquired National Quality Award usually introduce TQM with their universities. They have implemented TQM for a long time, not only in the libraries themselves, but the whole universities. They need to consider how to mix their quality management together. Meanwhile, they need to work very hard to achieve the standards of National Quality Award and get peers' identification. Therefore, their experiences lead them more familiar with TQM. Most libraries not yet applying National Quality Award just started to carry out TQM in a preliminary stage.


