  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Service Feedback Mechanism with Social Media Opinion

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 楊明玉


網際網路的結合商務銷售創造出無限商機,已顛覆並重塑商品行銷方式、服務與回饋機制。現代企業不僅面臨價格競爭外,強化產品與服務差異化特色亦是決定企業競爭力的重要因素。企業在對顧客關係的經營與服務意見回饋及掌握,並即時反映在市場短期與長期服務策略的應變等措施,都會是影響顧客對品牌口碑與決定企業競爭優勢的重要關鍵因素。 面對新的網路社群模式的崛起,企業更需正視社群網路顧客意見、有效的蒐集與認知顧客意見與輿情,並及時採取因應對策,特別是須重視那些負面評價與意見所會造成的影響。因此,企業若能結合資訊科技技術,建構有效的即時服務回饋模式,將能蒐集到的資料加以整合匯總、評量分析,並將意見歸類分析,以短期觀之能快速形成回饋服務改善措施,更進而能制定長期產品研發、行銷與服務營運之長期營運策略。如此將可讓企業在競爭激烈的商業環境中,完全掌握顧客與潛在顧客的商業輿情脈動,達到建立良好的顧客關係機制,如此將能獲取絕佳的企業競爭優勢,也才能迎戰險惡競爭對手可能利用操作網路社群負面消息或運作網路社群消費群眾議題打擊企業等的種種挑戰。 本研究提出以社群意見評價為基礎之企業顧客服務回饋機制的研究議題,期望提供企業有效率的經營顧客關係與能正確即時的掌握顧客回饋意見,並提供達成正確的服務為目標,以解決現代企業必須面臨多元意見的顧客導向商業環境挑戰。本研究將建構以社群意見評價為基礎之企業顧客服務回饋機制的研究,以設計符合企業之全面性、整合性、自動化之網路社群顧客意見回饋系統:『網路商業輿情服務雛型系統』,用以整合顧客目前最習慣、最常運用之網路社群,建立起妥善的服務回饋機制模式與系統。本研究將建置『網路商業輿情服務雛型系統』,並以實際國內知名品牌廠商為研究個案,實際驗證使用本網路商業輿情服務雛型系統實務成效。透過實際驗證方式分析個案公司重要議題營運案例,剖析深究導致顧客負面評價之服務失誤,歸納提出短期之回饋服務改善措施與制定長期之服務回饋成效,期以輔助企業整體研發、行銷與服務策略之制定與效率,以作為企業經營顧客關係與制訂企業經營策略方針的重要依據。


Internet promoting remarkable business marketing and sales opportunities has reshaped with a new selling behavior, service model and feedback mechanism. Modern enterprises not only face price competition, strengthen product and service differentiation is also the major factor in determining the competitiveness of market. Hence, to exploit customer service feedback mechanism with social media opinion of internet world and instantly to implement short-term and long-term service strategy reflected in the market will ensure enterprise to benefit significantly marketing value and the competitive advantage. In order to recognize public opinions form internet social community, company must construct new customer service feedback mechanism using IT technology to collect a large amount of social media opinion data as well as to identify opinion intention, especially negative comments, as a result to manipulate short-term service improvement programs and develop long-term business strategies. Enterprises appreciated the customer and potential customer opinions in the competitive business environment to create a new customer service feedback mechanism will be able to achieve admirable competitive advantage. This study proposes a research proposition on customer service feedback mechanism with social media opinion. It is expected to provide the approach of gathering and estimating social media opinions with the aim of making effective service as the goal to reduce customer negative sentiments and deliver product-improved solutions to fulfill customer-oriented business environment. This study will contribute a prototype of "online social media opinion analysis system" in order to demonstrate a comprehensive customer service feedback mechanism, and perform with domestic famous transportation company as a case study to validate the practical results of prototype system and consequently to support company making future plan on marketing and service strategy.


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