  • 學位論文


A Study of the Self-service Technologies in the University Library Based on Technology Acceptance Model and Technology Readiness

指導教授 : 宋雪芳


本研究以科技接受模型與科技準備度之理論作為主要架構,探究淡江大學RFID自助預約取書區的使用者對自助式服務科技的使用態度與使用意願,同時瞭解其實際使用狀況,讓圖書館未來在規劃其他RFID相關技術服務時,有可運用的參考資料。 本研究針對曾經使用過RFID自助預約取書服務的使用者進行問卷調查,共回收389份有效問卷,藉由驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式檢定研究假設,另外使用階層迴歸分析探究變數間的調節效果,最後利用非階層K-Means集群分析將受測者依科技準備度做分群。 研究結果在使用情形方面顯示(1) 使用者背景分別以「女性」、「大學生」、「理、商管學院」為主;(2) 多數使用者已有數次使用RFID自助預約取書的經驗;(3) 使用者經常借閱東方語言為主的圖書;(4) 熱門預約書為「專業考試用書」及「語言學習用書」。研究結果在使用意願方面發現(1) 科技接受模型能有效預測大學圖書館RFID自助服務科技之行為意願;(2) 科技準備度部分構面確實會影響使用認知與態度;(3) RFID自助預約取書之使用者以「探索者」、「先驅者」族群為主;(4) 若設備出狀況,會使「執著者」與「落後者」感到憂慮及不信任;(5)在校職員較習慣人工借閱預約書。最後根據研究結果,本研究提出三大項建議,提供圖書館有更多實質資訊來增加或改善科技導入服務的決策參考資料,包含(1) 推廣與宣傳RFID自助預約取書之服務;(2) 維護設備穩定性;(3) 不同使用者族群的服務策略。


This study aims to examine how Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Readiness (TR) influence user’s attitude and willingness to use RFID self-service technologies (SSTs) in the Tamkang University library. Questionnaire survey was conducted in this study. The surveys were distributed to those who have used the self-service reserve system in the library. The total number of 389 returned surveys were valid. The data were analyzed by using Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to verify and prove hypothesis. Then using hierarchical regression analysis to measure moderating effect between variables. Finally, non-hierarchical K-Means cluster analysis method was applied to analyze the users according to TR. The analytical results of user behavior indicate that (1) The majority of the users of the RFID self-service system are “females”, “college students”, “students of college of engineering”, and “students of college of business and management”; (2) Most of the users have several years of experience of using the RFID self-service system; (3) The users often check out books of eastern languages; (4) The top reserved books are professional exam study guide and language learning. Other findings of this study indicate that (1) TAM can predict the university library user’s attitude and willingness to use the RFID self-service technologies; (2) Users’ TR level enhances their perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards use, and willingness to use the RFID self-service technologies; (3) The majority users of the RFID self-service technologies are “explorers”, and “pioneers”;(4) When the system experiences problems, the “paranoid” and “laggard” users will be worried; (5) The library staff are used to check out and reserve books from a librarian. Based on the study results, three suggestions were recommended as follows: 1. Promoting the use of the RFID self-service technologies. 2. Scheduling regular maintenance. 3. Providing different service strategies to different user groups.


吳玫瑩、黃梓蓁(2012)。以臺灣顧客滿意度指標探討智慧型圖書館之使用現況。品質學報,19(5),465-490。doi: 10.6220/joq.2012.19(5).04
