  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Smart Hat for Recognizing Items based on IoTs and AI Technologies

指導教授 : 張志勇
共同指導教授 : 石貴平




With the completion of wireless network and mobile network construction, and the advancement of microprocessors and embedded technologies, the popularity of handheld multimedia screen devices has been flood and unrecoverable. Therefore, it is very possible to cause internet addiction for children if they put a lot of dependence on these handheld multimedia screen devices during the growth phase, so how to get children to the appropriate learning resources at the right time will be a problem deserves we thinking about, this also the purpose of this thesis. This thesis combines IoT and AI deep learning technology, and expects to develop a smart assistant teaching device suitable for children to help children to understand the interesting things around them and avoid children's physical and mental health be influenced by multimedia screen devices and hope to increase children's learning interest.


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