  • 學位論文


Factors raise social movement: A case study of Sunflower Movement

指導教授 : 林立


本論文旨在研究於2014年太陽花運動作為案例研究,提升或影響台灣社會運動的一些因素。從2008年至2014年的馬英九任總統期間,台灣(中華民國)與中華人民共和國)之間發生許多的經濟和政治活動。馬英九政府的兩岸政策已經開啟了雙方的貿易,航線聯繫和其他聯繫。馬英九擔任總統的第一任期 - 台灣與中國之間的關係已經有所緩解,因為兩國已經理解了兩岸平台上的和平互動。但與現任蔡英文總統的政府相比,兩岸之間的情況有些不穩定,令人擔心另一個緊張局勢可能爆發。然而,這篇論文研究不會集中在當前的行政管理上,而是主要考察馬政府的第二任期開始,直到2014年的社會抗議活動。學生的抗議活動,後來被稱為太陽花運動。基本上,這項研究將集中在實際靜坐抗議前一年。那就是看一些影響公民的問題,以及馬政府如何回應這些問題,被認為是引起向日葵抗議的影響因素的問題。馬英九的第一個任期兩岸關係有所改善。如前所述,自由貿易協定,允許旅客來回旅行的定期航班,郵政服務和航線都在兩岸雙方開放。馬英九的第二任期在他的政府行為方面表現出一些變化。因此他的政府沒有回應和解決台灣社會的一些問題,這在他擔任總統期間引起了爭議。這將有助於我們全面了解影響和提升2014年向日葵運動的問題。 2014年3月18日,大批學生和民間團體大膽進軍立法院,向日葵運動是一場抗議活動。在立法院前聚集的沮喪的學生,教授,律師和其他民間組織出現分歧,海峽兩岸服務貿易協定)是由台灣半官方談判員,海峽交流基金會(SEF)與其中國對口海峽兩岸關係協會(海協會)於2013年簽署的。正如一些台灣經濟專家和經濟學教授所言,這項協議據信是閉門簽署的,並威脅到曾經在中國開放的台灣經濟。因此,我們已經知道一個一般原因,是由於貿易協議的約定:兩岸服貿協議(CSSTA)。但學者們已經認識到,這只是冰山一角,或者我們應該說整個問題的一部分。在馬英九執政期間,2014年立法機構實際靜坐抗議之前,台灣社會有太多有爭議的問題。以2013年苗栗縣的大埔拆遷為例,這是公民已經越來越不適應日益掠奪性的政府,立法和司法制度,這些制度無法用來確保公民之間的正義和公平,對政府不公正態度的抗議。人們可以得出結論,政府對受影響和弱勢公民的不負責任的行為有著激烈的憤怒,有助於2014年發生的太陽花運動。因此,本文的主要目標是在台灣社會中識別這些有爭議的問題政府。研究這個問題是非常重要的,因為它有助太陽花運動,並考察此後社會運動對台灣政治的影響。


This study is purposely to examine what are some of the factors that raise or influenced social movement in Taiwan, using the Sunflower Movement in 2014 as a case study. Looking at the political and economic positions of Taiwan during Ma Ying-jeou’s term as president since 2008 up until 2014, there are so many economic and political activities going on between Republic of China, Taiwan (ROC) and People’s Republic of China (PRC). Ma’s policies on the cross-straits had opened trade, flight connection and other links on both sides. The first term of Ma’s presidency the relationship of Taiwan and China have eased as both had created an understanding of peaceful interaction on the cross-straits platform. But with the current administration of President Tsai Ying-wen, things a bit shaky among the two sides, creating fear that another tension might break out. However, this thesis study will not focus on the current administration but will mainly look in to Ma’s administration in his second term as president up until the social protest in 2014. A student’s protest which then known as the Sunflower Movement. So basically the study will focus on the year before the actual sit-in protest. That is by looking into some issues that affected citizens and how Ma’s administration responds towards these issues. Issues that are believed to be the influencing factors or factors that raise the sunflower protest. Ma’s first term in the office shows some improvement. As mention earlier, there are free trade agreement, regular flight connection that allow visitors to travel to and fro, postal services and shipment routes are open on both sides. Ma’s second term as president shows some changes in his government behavior. The degradation of democratic mechanism became notice as his administration had failed to respond and solve some issues in the society of Taiwan that became controversial during his tenure as President of the Republic of China. This thesis study will look at issues faced by this young democratic country to help us fully understand these issues that influenced and elevated the Sunflower Movement in 2014. The Sunflower Movement is a protest driven by the huge number of students and civic groups that boldly marched to the legislative Yuan on March 18th, 2014. Frustrated students, professors, lawyers and other civil organizations gathered in front of the Legislative Yuan showing disagreement over the Cross- Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) which was signed by negotiator from the Taiwan’s semi-official, Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) with their Chinese counterparts, Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) in 2013. An agreement which was believed to be signed behind closed doors and would harm the economy of Taiwan once open to the PRC as stated by some Taiwanese economic specialist and economic professors. Thus we have already aware of one general reason, was because of the trade pact agreement; Cross- Strait Service Agreement (CSSTA). But scholars and academics have identified that this was just a tip of the iceberg or shall we say a portion part of the whole problem. Author of Black Island; Two Years of Activism in Taiwan, J. Michael Cole stated that during Ma Ying-Jeou’s presidency, there are so many controversial issues arise in the societies of Taiwan before the actual sit-in protest at the legislatures in 2014. Take Dapu, Miaoli County demolition in 2013 as an example which is an issue that citizens became disillusioned with an increasingly predatory government, a legislative and judicial system that cannot be counted on to ensure justice and fairness among citizens. Young protestors such as Lin Fei-Fan and Chen Wei-Ting are among other students who also show their frustration in Dapu flash protest towards the injustice attitudes of the government. One would conclude that irresponsible and unaccountable behavior of the government towards the affected and vulnerable citizens have steer anger which contributes to elevate the Sunflower Movement in 2014. Therefore the main objective of this thesis is to identify these controversial issues in the societies of Taiwan during Ma’s government. It is very important to examine this issue as it contributed to raise the Sunflower movement and also to examine the impact of this social movement in Taiwan Politics afterwards.


Rubinstein, M. A. 1994, Taiwan in the Modern World: The other Taiwan 1945 to the present, M.E Sharpe, Inc, Armonk, NY
Fu, H.C. 2014, The Internet and Taiwan’s New Civic Movement in the Information Age: Hung Chung-chiu’s Case (2013), Brill Online Books and Journals, 1(1-2), 54 – 77
Cole, J. M. 2015, Black Island: Two Years of Activism in Taiwan, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Taipei, TW.
