  • 學位論文


The Judicial Practice and Challenges in Hong Kong Under “One Country, Two Systems”-Take the NPC Interpretations of Hong Kong Basic Law as example-

指導教授 : 張五岳 呂冠頤


近年來香港發生幾起重大政治爭議,最後無論是香港民眾或是特區政府都訴諸司法途徑解決。香港特區法院往往被用作解決香港問題的方法,所以香港特區法院如何獨立行使司法裁判權與司法解釋權等,對香港特區之政治決策的影響力日形重要。 自1997年香港移交後,所有矛盾都是源於「一國兩制和高度自治」的紛爭,如何演繹《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》(下簡稱《基本法》)便成為極重要的事情。 《基本法》本質上確立香港司法權之獨立存在,但自1997年香港移交後,中國全國人大常委會先後五次對《基本法》作出解釋(下簡稱人大釋法),中國全國人大常委會之釋法權係源自《基本法》所給予,人大釋法在香港法令架構下亦取得香港特區法院判決之肯定。 由於台灣與香港都曾有遭割讓給予外國勢力且受殖民之歷史經驗,今日香港已回歸中國大陸,筆者相信在香港政法制度設計下,人大釋法對香港司法之影響,可作為台灣在思考兩岸關係的借鏡。


Recently, the Hong Kong courts are asked to work in the judicial settlement of the important controversial political disputes , whatever caused by the Hong Kong people or the government. It shows the independence of the power of legal interpretation of Hong Kong’s judicial body is getting more important. Since Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of People’s Republic of China (PRC) from 1997, most of the controversial issues are derived from the conflicts of “One Country, Two Systems”. Therefore, the interpretation of the "Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China" (Hong Kong Basic Law) has become an extremely important matter. Hong Kong Basic Law has been published in nineteen years, it maintains the judicial independence of Hong Kong essentially. However, the Standing Committee of PRC’s National People’s Congress (NPC) has already been approved to interpret the law for five times. The interpretation rights of The Standing Committee of NPC is undeniable, and those moves are affirmed by the court verdicts. Taiwan, which shared similar history with Hong Kong, was ceded by the Chinese Government and was colonized by foreign powers. I believe, by observing the situation and impact of the NPC interpretations on the development of HK’s judicial system, we will have a better understanding of the Cross-Strait relations.


1. 王志誠:《「人大釋法」對香港司法之影響》,行政院大陸委員會委託研究,2017年12月。
2. 王振民:《“一國兩制"與基本法:二十年回顧與展望》,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2017年7月。
3. 王振民:《「一國兩制」與基本法:歷史、現實與未來》,香港:三聯書店,2017年1月。
4. 王賡武:《香港史新編(上冊)》,香港:三聯書店,三聯書店,2017年1月。
