  • 學位論文


Integrated Particle Flux at Various Satellite Orbits Based on AP-8/AE-8 Radiation Belt Model

指導教授 : 汪愷悌




The Van Allen radiation belt is a near-Earth region in space that contains an abundance of high energy electrons and protons. In general, the Van Allen radiation belt is made up of two belts with dense particle densities including the inner belt and the outer belt, and a slot region with tenuous particle fluxes in between. These high-energy particles can pose serious damage to satellites passing through this region. Hence, it is important to understand the spatial distributions of these particles and model their associated fluence that satellites can be bombarded. In this study, we integrate fluxes of proton and electrons along different satellite orbits rotating to the Earth, based on varied input parameters for orbital elements by adopting the AE-8 and AP-8 Van Allen radiation belt models and the 12th International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-12) model. The results show that the difference of integrated fluxes for both protons and electrons at different seasons is not obvious; however, it is significant for electrons if comparing the integrated values during periods of solar maximum and solar minimum. The fluence of both protons and electrons for one completed orbit are also made into a table for reference for future design of space mission associated with the radiation belt.


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