  • 學位論文


Guodong-HongKong-Macau Greater Area Development Study

指導教授 : 郭建中


中國大陸自1978年啟動改革開放,2001年加入WTO世貿組織,其經濟成長率維持高成長近30年。其間,經歷了89年的天安門事件、97年亞洲金融風暴、02年SARS疫情及07年金融危機,此間,中國大陸在經濟數據、各項建設、金融措施的表現,都繳出一張亮眼的成績單,遑論其數據及成績是否經過大量或精心的美化,從大陸居民出境旅游、城市建設、各項國際活動的參與,已經非常明確的走出未開發國家的行列。位處中國大陸華南地區的廣東、澳門及香港,自近代以來,本就已經是中國與外界接觸交往的窗口,華僑分布東南亞及歐美,區域內居民的往來,身份及證件是基本要素,交通便利性是輔助工具,而語言是有效溝通、創造及發展最重要的內涵,自此觀之,大灣區已經具備協同發展的基本因素,其成功似乎只是時間與規模的問題。 本論文動機起因於前述說明,而此區域發展對整體中國大陸經濟發展的重要性,再因香港、澳門,有其近代發展的特殊性。研究目的在了解大灣區發展被置於國家發展戰略位置的緣革,深入其規劃綱要,蒐錄各方看法及觀點,最後,讓身處台灣的一方找到因應方向及發展機會。 研究結構及方法則先採閱各種區域發展理論並比照1978年以來,中國經濟發展現象及特色,同時檢視區域內各個城市現行發展狀況,依據2019年2月18日公告的規劃綱要內容,蒐集歸納各方學者及專家的看法,作出結論。另一方面,比較分析中國內地其它各個區域發展的現狀及方向,也整理世界其它重要灣區發展歷程及結果,最後,依台灣權威單位作出的評論進行說明。 文獻蒐集方向則以多元化為主軸,區域發展理論以河南大學區域科學研究所所長苗長虹的文章及論述為主,並納入法國地理學家Jean Gottman 的理論。規劃綱要解析則取中國大陸華南農業大學公共管理學院講師張小娟博士的文章及香港匯智社、民間證劵、地產公司的分析報告。與台灣相關部份,則採中華經濟研究院及資訊工業策進會的分析報告。 研究結論分三個部份,就理論面分析,規劃綱要各方學者、專家面面觀,及台各界的可行之道。


Title of Thesis; Guodong-HongKong-Macau Greater Area Development Study Total pages:108 The motivation of this thesis is due to the above explanation, and the importance of the development of this region to the overall economic development of the China Mainland, and Hong Kong and Macau, has the particularity of its modern development. The purpose of the study is to understand the fate of the development of Dawan District being placed in the national development strategy, to deepen its planning outline, to search for views and opinions of all parties, and finally to let the party in Taiwan find the direction and development opportunities. The research structure and method firstly read various regional development theories and compare the phenomena and characteristics of China's economic development since 1978. At the same time, examine the current development status of each city in the region, and collect and summarize according to the planning outline announced on February 18, 2019. The views of various scholars and experts make conclusions. On the other hand, a comparative analysis of the current status and direction of the development of other regions in the Mainland, as well as the development history and results of other important Bay Areas in the world, and finally, based on the comments made by Taiwan's authoritative units. The literature collection direction is based on diversification. The regional development theory is based on the article and exposition of Miao Changhong, director of the Institute of Regional Science of Henan University, and is included in the theory of French geographer Jean Gottman. The analysis of the planning outline is based on the article by Dr. Zhang Xiaojuan, a lecturer at the School of Public Administration, South China Agricultural University, China, and the analysis report of Hong Kong Huizhishe, private securities, and real estate companies. The relevant part of Taiwan is the analysis report of the China Economic Research Institute and the Information Industry Council. The conclusions of the study are divided into three parts. On the theoretical analysis, the scholars and experts of the planning outline, the comparative analysis of each region and the feasible ways of Taiwan .


1. 2008年發佈《珠江三角洲地區改革發展規劃綱要 (2008—2020 年)》。
2. 2009年,粵港澳三地編制《大珠江三角洲城鎮群協調發展規劃研究》。
3. 中國國務院港澳辦事處,粵港合作框架協議,京ICP备08005895号,2010年10月1日2011年,粵澳兩地簽署 《粵澳合作框架協議》。

