  • 學位論文


The keywords of Spatial Conception, knowledge condition of Basic Design Curriculum at Tamkang University Department of Architecture during the 1990’s

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


基本設計是現代主義空間認識傳播中的核心課程,在設計教育與建築教育經常的分界下,基本設計課程可視為建築教育哲學之根基。本研究關注20世紀末台灣基本設計課程中空間概念的內容與轉變,提出兩個問題,一是在基本設計課程文本(texts) 中有哪些空間概念關鍵詞?二是這些關鍵詞所隱含的建築學基本假設,它們呈現出怎樣的知識領域 (episteme)?藉著對基本設計的課程研究,敘述其引入台灣後,在淡江建築這個特定場域實施時,對它的質疑、調整與修正。在以課程文本所整理的教學模型上,考察空間概念的變動,分述了八個關鍵字的知識領域,據以對1990年代空間概念的知識狀況進行梳理,並建構以關鍵詞為主的設計課程研究方法論。 在以概念詞彙作為知識範型辨識的基礎上,研究發現,直到1980年代中期,美術原則仍然位居淡江建築基本設計課程的核心。在1992年出現明確的變化,並在接下來的五年內刷新了過去長達20年的課程內容,實現了自1972年以來的「基本設計建築化」的目標。在1993-96年試圖以環境規劃意識修正建築學內容,重建描述空間的語言,而在1997-2001年,在西化等同現代化的慣習中,完成對美國自1970年代以來對基本設計課程革新成果的移植。在知識與權力關係上,研究支持了知識範型是不同利益團體相互競爭及作用下的結果;在詞彙流動的地理中,顯露了課程高度依賴美國進口的之現象,盡管東、西岸對現代主義遺產有著不同的信仰,卻在台灣特殊的歷史條件上,繞過了建築自主性的辯論,意外地拼貼成一個拼裝體(assemblage)的狀況。 最後,在八個關鍵字展示的空間概念知識領域樣貌中,則試圖與英國建築史學家阿德里安.福蒂(Adrian Forty)所論述的〈空間〉一詞對話。福蒂指出,空間一詞在自歐入美的過程中遺失了真實生活體驗部分的語義,而那正是現代主義的空間產生問題的關鍵。1990年代中期的淡江建築基本設計課程曾意圖明確地表現出對此一缺漏的補償行動,但在概念詞彙偏向於形式生成的發展與操作下,具社會性質之概念詞彙仍然無法進入基本設計工作室,並使得反映台灣作為一個特定場域(site-specific)的設計研究礙難開展。結論建議一個以基地關係結構來建立詞彙網絡,並重新思考設計成立條件的行動,以建立總是能具備獨特連結的基本設計課程之學術景觀。


Basic Design is the most important curriculum in the spread of modernist spatial cognition. Based on the typical divide between design and architectural education, the Basic Design can be seen as the philosophical foundation of the architectural education. This research is aimed to focus on Spatial Conception of the Basic Design Curriculum at the end of the 20th Century in Taiwan, especially to its content and shift, while raising two critical questions, to first identify what are the keywords within the conception vocabulary within the text content of the design curriculum; two is to investigate on how these keywords are able to present what types of knowledge episteme with their inherited basic assumption on architecture. Based on the necessity to research and create the Basic Design curriculum, Tamkang Architecture has formulated its doubt, adjustment and correction of its stance during the process of structuring its Basic Design curriculum. On the teaching model structured based on text format instruction, it has studied the shift for the spatial conception to develop eight specific keywords and their respective knowledge base, while engaging in the knowledge summarization process based the trends of spatial concept of the 1990’s to develop a design curriculum rationale and method derived from the interpretation of specific keywords. By utilizing vocabulary to identify knowledge model, the research has discovered that the fine art principles were still the dominated as the core fundamental value underpinning the basic design education at Tamkang Architecture until 1980s. The Basic Design Curriculum in architectural education in Taiwan embarked a clear shift of paradigm during the mid-1990, and Tamkang embraced this educational trend in 1992, and in a subsequent 5-year span to develop a new set of basic design education curriculum to replace a design teaching tradition that had last for more than 20 years, which further transcends a departmental goal to create a basic design education based on architecture that originally initiated back in 1972. There was a brief attempt between 1993-96 to incorporate environmental awareness into the basic design curriculum in order to restructure the descriptive language for spatial interpretation. With the general acceptance of the Westernized educational philosophy during 1997-2001, the adaptation of American style curriculum model has signified a successful achievement transplant of the design curriculum restructuring goal set forth since the 1970’s. From a power relation point of view, this research also demonstrates the fact that knowledge of transfer is inevitably a product of result power struggle between various competing interested groups. In spite of different design philosophies between the East and West Coasts brand of modernism, Tamkang was able to create an assemblage form of teaching method by accident that mainly attributed to an unique historical condition which intentionally bypassing the debate discussion of architectural autonomy point of view. Within the episteme of spatial conception based on the bricolage of eight keywords in curriculum, there is an attempt to create a dialogue with the British architectural historian, Adrain Forty who discoursed of the word "space", where he pointed out that the meaning of space lost the definition of real life experience during its importation from Europe into America, and that is the linkage to the issues resulting from the modernist spatial interpretation. During the mid-1990’s Tamkang’s Basic Design Curriculum was structured with an attempt to make up the lost meaning. However, since the development of special concept is putting too much emphasis on formalism while the social conception vocabulary emphasized by field traits could not be fully applied in the basic design studio, thus making it difficult to expand design research that was based on Taiwan as a site-specific curriculum theory. The suggested conclusion is therefore to build a vocabulary network with emphasis on site-relation structure, based on the reconsideration the action in which the condition of the design is made, which will always nurtured an academic landscape that is equipped with uniquely linked format of basic design curriculum.


淡江大學建築系(2000)。Millennium special issue。
淡江大學建築系(2004)。DOCUMENT 02-03:淡江建築2002-2003年學生作品集。淡水:淡江大學建築系。
