  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impact of the Capacity and Driving Behavior on the Change of Minimum Speed Limit in National Freeway NO.5 Hsuehshan Tunnel

指導教授 : 范俊海


自從雪山隧道啟用開始,壅塞問題一直存在著,雖過去政府為此提出些改善方案及解決對策,仍無法有效改善。民國106年3月10日高速公路總局將國道五號雪山隧道路段之最低速限從60公里/小時調整為70公里/小時,故本研究以高速公路總局網站上提供的固定式車輛偵測器(VD)公開資料為樣本,依照資料本身所屬類別,將資料分為別類,以折線圖等視覺化的方式比較今年與去年同時間的資料,找出高速公路易壅塞時段。 本研究將以SPSS為統計分析的工具,依據政府頒佈之速限政策,看是否實施後,對於車流變化是否有顯著的影響以及容量是否有顯著的增加。本研究找出各時段車流分布情況,作為未來高速公路總局之參考,此一方法也適用於國道其他路段,並透過統計檢定及車流理論數學轉換式來驗證其資料。 研究結果發現最低速限提高會影響到隧道內之容量,對其有一定的影響程度,也可以發現隧道位置點以及駕駛者本身速度,隨著位置點改變,駕駛者之跟車行為有趨於保守、產生緊張之行為、敏感性提高。


Since the opening of the Hsuehshan Tunnel, the congestion problem has always existed. Although the government has proposed some improvement measures and solutions to this problem, it still cannot be effectively improved. On March 10, 106, the General Administration of Highways adjusted the minimum speed limit of the National Freeway NO.5 Hsuehshan Tunnel section from 60 km / h to 70 km / h. Therefore, this study uses the fixed vehicle detector provided on the website of the General Administration of Highways (VD) The public data is a sample. According to the category of the data itself, the data is divided into categories, and the data at the same time this year and last year are compared in a visual way such as a line chart to find out when the highway is easily congested. This study will use SPSS as a statistical analysis tool, and based on the speed limit policy promulgated by the government, to see if the implementation has a significant impact on changes in traffic flow and whether there has been a significant increase in capacity.This study finds the distribution of traffic flow at each time period. As a reference for the future general highway bureau, this method is also applicable to other sections of the national highway. The data is verified through statistical verification and mathematical conversion formulas for traffic flow theory. It will affect the capacity in the tunnel and has a certain degree of influence on it. You can also find the location of the tunnel and the speed of the driver. As the location changes, the driver's follow-up behavior tends to be conservative, nervous behavior, Increased sensitivity.


