  • 學位論文

台灣技術援助對巴拉圭水產養殖和漁業資源發展的影響:以歐塞維奧阿亞拉區(Eusebio Ayala)的國家魚苗生產中心為例

Impact of the Taiwanese Technical Cooperation in the Development of Aquaculture and Fishery Resources, for the National Center for the Production of Alevines in the District of Eusebio Ayala, Department of Cordillera, Republic of Paraguay

指導教授 : 黃富娟




The fish "Pacú" is a native species of normal consumption for the Paraguayan people. In recent years, its production was declining due to overfishing. To boost the development of the Pacific industry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (M.A.G.) has been conducting tests to reproduce fry for years, but found itself stuck in technology. Faced with this situation, the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) contributed to a project that aims to establish fry breeding technology, which will not only reduce the amount of such species in importation and smuggling, but also it will also reduce the risk of suffering attacks by diseases and parasites of foreign origin. Likewise, the crop will be able to satisfy the demand of the local market during the closed period, increase the income of the farmers and stabilize the price of internal consumption. When evaluating the precedents, the main challenge of the Republic of Paraguay to build the productive industry of the Pacú lies in the lack of a stable system for the reproduction of fry, this leads to fish farmers importing them from Brazil or Argentina. Although the National University of Asunción (UNA) has been conducting tests to reproduce fry for years, it fails to overcome technological difficulties, so it does not have a stable production of good quality fry. In order to help Paraguay increase the supply of nationally grown pacú, the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), through its State Technical agencies, sets out the main objective of introducing the technology of reproduction and cultivation of Pacú on the one hand and, on the other, establish a promotional system, which mainly includes: 1) train technicians to maintain the procedure of the fry production system, including two researchers, both from the National University of Asunción, as from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; 2) choose and define two places to introduce fry breeding technology, where the fry central supply points will be, in terms of this research the Eusebio Ayala district; 3) transferring reproductive technology from Pacú to private farms, which will support the incorporation of the private sector in the cultivation of Pacú; 4) train cultivation promoters of the M.A.G. to specify the advice of the fish farmers and strengthen the cultivation technology.


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