  • 學位論文


Exploring the association between motivation, attitudes, and behaviors of technology integration into teaching: Cases from elementary school teachers in New Taipei City and Tainan City

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


教育部自2006年便開始強調資訊科技融入教學的重要性,吸引了許多學者在探討相關之議題,這些研究指出相較於國中教師,國小教師所面對教學進度壓力較小,故資訊科技融入教學的頻率較高,研究也發現動機和態度是影響資訊科技融入教學行為重要的影響因素。不過,一方面,多數研究結果來自十年前,目前國小教師實施資訊科技融入教學的現況為何,較少研究。二方面,既有研究多僅探討動機或是態度變項和資訊科技融入教學行為間關聯,較少同時探討動機和態度因素和行為間關聯。因此,本研究欲探討目前新北市和台南市國小教師資訊科技融入教學的現狀並分析資訊科技融入教學動機、態度和行為間的關聯。本研究預測變項為兩種動機變項和三種態度變項,依變項為四種行為變項,包含:常見資訊科技融入教學、一般資訊科技融入教學、教學頻率和教學時間,控制變項包含教師背景資料與班級內的軟硬體設施。 本研究依據既有文獻設計了資訊科技融入教學的動機、態度和行為量表,以便利取樣方式對173位新北市和台南市教師進行抽樣,回收163份問卷,回應率為94%,扣除掉未完整回答的樣本,最後樣本數為156份。除了描述性統計外,本研究以因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析和線性迴歸模型來分析資料。 研究結果陳述如下: 一、國小教師資訊科技融入教學現況 (一) 新北市和台南市國小教師資訊科技融入教學的頻率頗高,比例高於之前的研究結果。就每天實施情況而言,每天實施1次以上者佔約80%。就整體實施情況而言,每天實施1次者,比例最高,佔44.9%,其次為每週實施1~3次者,比例為39.7%,再者為每月1-3次者,占11.5%。一學期僅實施1-2次者,僅占3.8%。 (二)新北市和台南市國小教師在資訊科技融入教學程度和頻率上,並未有顯著差異存在,不過,在實施時間上,新北市教師顯著高於台南市教師。 二、資訊科技融入教學動機、態度和行為面向 因素分析結果顯示資訊科技融入教學的動機可區分為內在和外在動機。態度可區分為一般態度、使用態度和成效信念,實施程度可分為常見資訊科技融入教學和一般資訊科技融入教學,量表的信度值皆達0.7以上。 三、資訊科技融入教學動機和態度間關聯 不論是內在動機或是外在動機皆和三種態度變項間呈現正相關,達到中度相關程度。 四、資訊科技融入教學動機、態度和行為間關聯 線性迴歸分析結果顯示,外在動機和使用態度能預測常見資訊科技融入教學和一般資訊科技融入教學行為,無法預測實施頻率和實施時間。內在動機、一般態度、成效信念和資訊科技融入教學行為間無顯著關聯。 五、資訊科技融入教學動機和態度變項對行為的相對影響力 由標準化迴歸係數可知,相較於外在動機,使用態度對常見資訊科技融入教學和一般資訊科技融入教學的影響力較高,代表教師的使用態度對於課堂中實施資訊科技融入教學影響較大。 本研究最後根據研究結果對學校、教育當局和未來研究提出一些相關的建議。


The importance of technology integration in teaching has been stressed by Bureau of Education since 2006, which attracts many scholars’ attention. Results of previous studies has pointed out that elementary schoolteachers had less pressure from teaching schedule and thus the frequency of their technology integration in instruction was higher than their counterparts in the junior high school. Motivational and attitudinal variables were found to be crucial determinants of behaviors related to technology integration into teaching. However, on the one hand, most of results derived from earlier studies ten years ago. It remains unclear what the current status of technology integrated in instruction is in the elementary school. On the other hand, extant research mainly focused on exploring the association of motive or attitudes with behaviors of technology integration in teaching. Little attention has been paid to the inclusion of both motivational and attitudinal variables in the analytic model. As such, this study aims to explore the current status of technology integration in teaching among elementary school teachers in New Taipei and Tainan cities and to analyze the association between motive, attitudes, and behaviors of technology integration in instruction. Predictors include two types of motivational variables and three types of attitudinal variables. There are four dependent variables including the most commonly seen technology integration in teaching, the general technology integration in teaching, the frequency of technology integration in teaching, and the amount of time spent on technology integration in teaching. Individual backgrounds, software, and hardware in the class are viewed as control variables. Drawn on extant literature, there are three scales including motive scale, attitude scale, and behavior scale of technology integration in teaching are designed, this study uses convenience sampling to gather information from 173 elementary school teachers in the two counties. Of these respondents, 163 teachers return their questionnaires, yielding a response rate of 94%. After excluding the incomplete cases, a total of final sample is 156. Besides descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t test, correlation analysis, and linear regression model are used to analyze data. The results of the present study is shown below: 1. The current status of technology integration in teaching in elementary school teachers (1) Among the elementary school teachers in New Taipei city and Tainan city, the frequency of the present technology integration in instruction is higher than that found in previous research. In terms of daily implementation, Approximately 80% of respondents report technology integrated in teaching once a day. With regard to the overall implementation, the proportion of implementation once a day is the highest (44.9%), followed by one to three times a week (39.7%), one to three times a month (11.5%), and one to two times a semester (3.8%). (2) There are not significant differences in the extent and frequency of technology integration in teaching between elementary school teachers in the two counties. Nevertheless, teachers in New Taipei city score higher in the amount of time spent on technology integration in teaching than those in Tainan city. 2. The multi-dimension of motive, attitudes, and behavior of technology integration in teaching Results of factor analysis show that motive of technology integration in teaching can be divided into two dimensions, that is, internal motive and external motive. Likewise, three factors are identified in factor analysis: general attitude, usage attitude, and beliefs in the effectiveness of this teaching style. The extent of implementation is divided into the most commonly seen technology integration in teaching and general technology integration in teaching. The values of Cronbach’s alpha for all scales are above 0.7. 3.The relationship between motive and attitudes toward technology integration in teaching Results of correlation analysis reveal that both internal motive and external motive are positively correlated with three kinds of attitudinal variables, with the moderate correlation. 4. The relationship between motive, attitudes and behavior in technology integration in teaching External motive and usage attitude are found to predict the most commonly seen and the general technology integration in teaching rather than the frequency and the amount of time of technology integration in teaching in the linear regression analysis. There are not significant correlation between internal motive, beliefs in the effectiveness of this teaching style, and behaviors related to technology integration in teaching. 5.The relative impacts of the motivational and attitudinal variables on behaviors of technology integration in teaching Results from standardized regression coefficient reveal that as compared with external motive, the effect of usage attitude on the most commonly seen and the general technology integration in teaching appears stronger, representing that teachers’ attitudes toward usage of technology have stronger influence on technology integration in teaching in class. Finally, according to the results of this study, some implications are offered to school, education authority, and future research.


