  • 學位論文


A preliminary simulation of two-dimensional high-speed reactive flows

指導教授 : 牛仰堯


在高速化學反應流的模擬中,涉及到空氣動力學與化學反應兩大領域。目前已有許多成熟的化學模型與爆震波的胞格計算模型。本文目的在於發展出一套針對於高速流、介於超音速流體適用的、化學反應流模型。在化學流的計算分析中,不同的時間尺度所造成的剛性問題是極大的挑戰。本文以二維、非穩態、無黏的尤拉方程式為例,配合真實氣體的狀態方程式,加入化學反應源項做計算。並使用Strang Splitting 方法處理流體與化學反應對時間上的剛性問題。同時,使用AUSMD與Steger-Warming兩種方法,來比對處理超音速流中所遇到的震波問題。在本研究中,嘗試使用四種不同的化學模型,針對於鈍頭體化學反應流與爆震管流場的應用作分析與比較,並進一步對爆震波中的胞格結構作探討。


In the simulation of high-speed chemical reaction flow, two topics including high-speed reactive flow phenomena and chemical reaction models are investigated. Up to now, many literatures have been presented, especially for shock waves and cellular structures of detonation waves. The purpose of this study is to develop a robust Euler code with several chemical reactive flow models. In the calculations of hypersonic chemical reacting flows, how to overcome numerical stiffness caused by different time scales original from the time evolution of the flows and chemical reactions is a great challenge. In our works, the two-dimensional, unsteady, inviscid Euler equations are computed under non-equilibrium chemical reactive flow assumption. The Strang Splitting method is adopted to reduce the numerical stiffness for time discretization. For evaluating numerical flux, the AUSMD and Steger-Warming splitting are used. Also the MUSCL extrapolation is chosen to enhance the resolution of the shock wave capturing in high-speed flows. Also four different chemical models were selected to validate the location of blow shock detached to the blunt body. Finally, numerical resolutions of the triple point waves and cellular structures of the supersonic detonation wave inside the detonation tube are compared by the different numerical fluxes and chemical reactive models.


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