  • 學位論文

助人工作者的自殺防治知能、組織脈絡 與個案自殺事件影響之相關研究

A study on the relationships among suicidal intervention competencies, organizational context and the suicide impact of professional helpers

指導教授 : 張貴傑


本研究旨在探討助人工作者自殺防治知能、組織脈絡與個案自殺事件影響之關係,以國內從事助人工作者為研究對象,樣本主要以醫療單位、各級學校、社福機構等地曾有第一線服務自殺議題個案之助人工作經驗,志願參與研究之助人工作者。本研究採問卷調查法,以線上網路問卷平台創設問卷,研究工具包含「多軸向自我傷害危機處理能力評估量表」、「事件影響量表」、「組織脈絡」,依立意抽樣方式,在網路社團中符合身份的助人工作者為研究對象,獲得有效問卷214份,調查結果以SPSS24.0將所得資料進行平均數、標準差等描述統計、皮爾遜積差相關、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析,獲致結論分述如下:一、助人工作者普遍受到「低度」自殺事件影響,但仍有22.4%受到自殺事件中重度以上影響,並平均分布於各類型自殺事件。二、助人工作者普遍具有「中高」程度的自殺防治知能和組織脈絡表現。三、自殺防治知能和自殺事件影響呈現負相關。四、組織脈絡和自殺事件影響部分呈現負相關。 五、自殺防治知能和組織脈絡呈現正相關。六、當個案自殺死亡事件發生時,自殺防治知能比組織脈絡更能有效預測個案自殺事件所造成的影響。 最後根據以上結果,對實務工作者、助人工作單位提出具體建議,並說明後續研究建議和研究上的限制。


The purpose of the research was to examine the relationships among suicidal intervention competencies, organizational context, and suicidal impact of professional helpers. By using convenience sampling, the measurement instruments used in this study were Suicidal Intervention Competencies Questionnaire, Organizational Context Questionnaire, and Impact of Event Scale with participants’ basic personal background information. Professional helpers were invited to participate, and final data analysis included 214 professional helpers who work in schools, medical institutions and welfare institutions in Taiwan. The statistical package software SPSS 24.0 version was utilized to analyze collected data for descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Hierarchical Regression. The study reached the following results: The skills of suicidal intervention competencies and organizational context were rated at the upper-intermediate level. The impact of suicidal events was rated at the lower-intermediate level; nevertheless, there were nearly a quarter of participants who were with severe status. The suicidal intervention competencies and the organizational context were found to be negatively correlated with the impact of suicidal events. In addition, the suicidal intervention competencies can predict the impact of the suicide. Based on the results mentioned above, some of the difficulties and limitations of the current study were discussed, and suggestions were offered for the future study and practical work.


