  • 學位論文


A Study on the Operation Strategy of Taiwan’s Screw Cap Industry - A Case of L Company

指導教授 : 林江峰


螺絲帽在全世界幾乎每個家庭都用的到,舉凡從最簡單的桌子和椅子到精密的醫療器材甚至到航太都需要用到,可見螺絲帽在全世界是佔有舉足輕重的地位,而且在眾多的傳統產業中,螺絲帽產業也是占外銷比例中最好的一個產業,但是隨著國際市場競爭日趨激烈,在迎接全球化時代的新挑戰時,臺灣螺絲帽業將如何突破困境,想出更好的經營策略,使臺灣的螺絲帽產業能夠在世界上有更強力的競爭優勢。 本研究將以L公司為例,由SWOT分析及五力分析來探討臺灣螺絲帽產業的經營策略,雖然SWOT分析及五力分析可對企業的優勢、劣勢做出外部及內部的分析,進而達 到經營策略上的改變,但臺灣目前所要面臨的是少子化的問題及人才外流的現象,因此必須再找出一個可令企業能夠長久的經營方法,而政府所推動的生產力4.0正是為了解 決未來所要面對的問題,螺絲帽產業如要升級轉型,生產力4.0是未來的趨勢,更是一個在經營策略上值得使用的方法。


Screw caps are used in almost every house in the world, from the simplest of tables and chairs to far more sophisticated medical equipment and even in the aerospace industry. Screw caps are essential throughout the world. And in comparison with other traditional industries, the screw cap industry accounts for the highest proportion of exports from Taiwan. But in the international market, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. How will Taiwan's screw cap industry continue to develop when facing the new challenges of the globalization era? In this research paper, some better business strategies to enable Taiwan's screw cap industry to have a stronger competitive advantage in the global market will be presented. The L company will be used as an example to explore the boundaries of Taiwan's screw cap industry through both the SWOT analysis and the Porter Five Forces analysis. The analyses will be used to make an external and internal examination of the advantages and disadvantages of various enterprises, and how to successfully achieve changes in business strategies. However, Taiwan is currently facing the dual problem of both a declining birthrate and emigration. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to enable companies to operate for a long time, and achieve the productivity 4.0 promoted by the government. This is necessary to resolve the problems that will be faced in the future, so, on condition that the screw cap industry intends to upgrade and transform, productivity 4.0 is the future course, and it is a method worth using in business strategy.


1. 王怡惠(2015)。從工業 4.0 看我國生產力 4.0 之挑戰”臺灣經濟研究月刊 38(8)第 111-119 頁。
2. 行政院科技會報,2015 年行政院生產力 4.0 科技發展策略會議,2015 年 6 月,http://www. bost.ey.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=94090FED75EFA 410。
3. 李建興(2015),全球最大螺絲聚落 岡山傳奇,今周刊,第 949 期,第 88-92 頁。
4. 呂雪慧(2015),毛揆推生產力 4.0 國際搶市,工商時報,2015 年 6 月 6 日。
