  • 學位論文


A Study on the Learning Experience of Students in an Innovative Learning Program from a University.

指導教授 : 薛曉華


本研究旨在探討一所大學創新學習方案對學生學習經驗的研究,了解該校在推動創新學習方案的發展脈絡,並透過自主學習、跨領域學習、社會實踐等概念,來深入探究該校執行創新學習方案的具體行為、內涵及在推動的過程中,教師與學生對於創新學習方案之想法與回饋。 本研究針對四位教師、畢業生及學生作為訪談對象並將所搜集資料進行統整分析後,獲得研究結論如下: 一、 「大環境改變」、「培養學生適應未來能力」為促使推動創新學習方案之原因。 二、 將「自主學習」「跨領域學習」「社會實踐」融入創新學習核心,規劃微學分和虛擬學院為個案大學推動創新學習方案之具體作法。 三、 找到學習的方式、期待學習為創新學習方案對學生的影響。 四、 處處都是教室、處處皆是學習場域、處處都有值得學習的事情發生!為未來高教樣貌之想像。


The purpose of this research is to explore the study of a university’s innovative learning program on students’ learning experience, to understand the development context of the school’s promotion of innovative learning programs, and to explore the implementation of the school through concepts such as independent learning, cross-domain learning, and social practice. The specific behavior, connotation of the innovative learning plan and the ideas and feedback of teachers and students on the innovative learning plan during the promotion process. In this study, four teachers, graduates, and students were interviewed and the collected data were analyzed. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1."Changes in the big environment" and "cultivating students' ability to adapt to the future" are the reasons for promoting innovative learning programs. 2.Integrate "self-directed learning", "cross-field learning" and "social practice" into the core of innovative learning, and plan microcredits and virtual colleges as specific methods for individual universities to promote innovative learning programs. 3.Find a way to learn and look forward to the impact of innovative learning programs on students. 4.There are classrooms everywhere, learning fields everywhere, and things worth learning are happening everywhere! Imagine the future of higher education.


壹、 中文部分
上報 UP Media(2016,8)。重視「教育」成就偉大法國,法國富翁在矽谷創辦學費全免、免費食宿的 coding 學校「42」。科技報橘。取自https://buzzorange.com/techorange/2016/08/17/code-school-for-free-42/
