  • 學位論文


A Study on Purchase Intention of Online Celebrity Gender on Endorsement Products

指導教授 : 李月華


口碑行銷是早已有的宣傳方式,常見的類型包括:網紅代言、部落客開箱 文、病毒式的影音內容等等,這三年來網路使用者進行網路購物與使用網路銀 行的比率成長 1.2 倍之多。因此企業也慢慢利用這股熱潮並善用一些有名氣的 網路紅人來推廣自己的產品。過去等人之研究幾乎都著重在網紅的可信度、專 業度、吸引力等,較少注重在網紅代言產品是否會因為代言人性別的不同而對 消費者的購買意願有所差異,也幾乎很少針對在跨性別代言來作探討。因此本 研究主要是探討不同性別、專業度、好感度的網紅代言產品是否影響消費者購 買意願之研究,以及不同產品性別的產品是否對購買意願造成調節效果。本研 究的研究目的為: 一、探討消費者對不同性別的網紅在其代言的產品在購買意願的差異? 二、探討消費者對不同專業度的網紅在其代言的產品在購買意願的差異? 三、探討不同性別的網紅代言不同產品性別類別的產品對購買意願是否有調節 效果? 另外,本研究是透過 2(網紅性別:男網紅、女網紅)X3(產品性別:男性產品、 女性產品、中性產品)之兩因子實驗設計,分別探討自變數網紅性別、網紅專 業度及調節變數產品性別特質,對依變數購買意願造成之影響及交互作用。實 驗有效樣本共計 273 份。 經研究分析的結果,本研究獲得的結論為,網紅的專業度越高,消費者對其 代言產品的購買意願更高,產品性別類別對於不同網紅性別對其代言產品的購 買意願具有調節效果。


口碑行銷 專業度 產品性別


Word of mouth marketing is a long-standing publicity method, common types include: Influencer endorsements, bloggers unboxing texts, viral audio and video content, etc., in the past three years, the ratio of online users to online shopping and the use of online banks has increased by as much as 1.2 times. Therefore, companies are slowly taking advantage of this boom and making good use of some well-known Internet celebrities to promote their products. In the past, most of the research has almost focused on the credibility, professionalism, attractiveness, etc. of internet celebrities, and less attention has been paid to whether the influencer endorsement products will differ in consumers' purchase intentions due to the gender of the spokesperson, and almost rarely discussed in transgender endorsements. Therefore, this study mainly explores whether the influence of influencer endorsement products of different genders, professionalism and favorability affects consumers' willingness to buy, and whether products of different product genders have a regulatory effect on purchase intentions. The main objectives are as follows : First, to explore the difference in consumers' willingness to buy products endorsed by different gender influencers. Second, to explore the differences in consumers' willingness to buy the products endorsed by influencers of different professionalism. Third, to explore whether influencers of different genders endorse products of different product gender categories have a moderation effect on purchase intentions. The experiment of this research is designed as 2(male influencer, female influencer)X3(Male products, female products, neutral products), T-test , cross table,regression analysis and ANCOVA to testify the proposed hypotheses. The valid samples are 273. After the results of the research and analysis, the conclusion obtained by this study is that the higher the professionalism of internet celebrities, the higher the willingness of consumers to purchase their endorsement products, and the gender categories of products have a moderation effect on the purchase intentions of different internet celebrities for their endorsement products.


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