  • 學位論文


An exploratory study on the relationship between the Book of Changes and the Christian Old Testament

指導教授 : 陳建甫


論文提要內容: 只要提及《易經》亦名《周易》,很多人將之與八卦、占卜之類的東西連結一起。本研究從頭到尾都不涉及占卜之事,而是把隱藏在《易經》中、與《聖經》相合相通的奧秘逐一揭開。本研究結果是為了證明「易經與基督教舊約聖經有確實的關聯」。 「創世記、出埃及記、利未記、民數記、申命記」,在《舊約聖經》中被稱為《摩西五經》,希伯來文稱作《妥拉》Torah,本研究發現Torah 與「圖洛」的音相合,這是一個令人驚奇興奮的發現!猶太人提到這本書的時候,不會只說《妥拉》Torah,而會加上定冠詞,稱為HaTorah。原來,「河圖洛書」就是「HaTorah書」,所以「摩西五經」可能是周文王時代閱讀《舊約聖經》的經卷! 本次論文研究總計提出八個卦與《聖經》有直接關聯: 1.「乾卦」伊甸園 神(創造人)的故事 2.「坤卦」大洪水 神(毀滅人)的故事 3.「大壯卦」也亞伯拉罕(獻以撒)的故事 4.「遯卦」雅各 (逃往)巴旦亞蘭的故事 5.「謙卦」雅各 (改名)以色列的故事 6.「坎卦」約瑟 被哥哥販賣(入埃及)的故事 7.「離卦」摩西 帶領以色列民(出埃及)的故事 8.「渙卦」摩西之歌 驚嘆讚美(過紅海)的故事 本研究採取以《聖經》解《易經》比較法方式研究,得出的研究結果是:《聖經》與《易經》在卦名、卦象、卦辭、爻辭等卦意「完全符合、相互輝映、邏輯一致、上下一貫」,有八個卦如此,足可以證明不是巧合,而是應該列入中華文化上的大發現,本次研究解開八個卦的卦辭、爻辭,主要是探索性研究,有關六十四個卦全部解開,還需要更多的時間及研究者投入。


易經 聖經 妥拉 摩西五經 周文王


Abstract: As long as it is mentioned that "Book of Changes" is also called "Book of Changes", many people associate it with things like gossip and divination. This study does not involve divination from the beginning to the end, but uncovers the mysteries hidden in the "Book of Changes" and connected with the "Bible" one by one. The result of this study is to prove that "the Book of Changes has a definite connection with the Christian Old Testament". "Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy" are called the "Pentateuch" in the "Old Testament", and they are called "Torah" in Hebrew. This study It was an amazing and exciting discovery to find that Torah is sound compatible with "Tulo"! When the Jews mentioned this book, they would not only say Torah, but would add the definite article, called HaTorah. It turns out that the "Hetu Luoshu" is the "HaTorah book", so the "Pentateuch" may be the scriptures that read the "Old Testament" in Zhou Wenwang's time! In total, the eight hexagrams proposed in this thesis are directly related to the Book of Changes: 1. "Qian Gua" the story of God (Creator of Man) in the Garden of Eden 2. "Kun Gua" the story of the Great Flood God (destroying people) 3. The "Da Zhuang Hexagram" is also the story of Abraham (Sacrifice Isaac) 4. "Dun Gua" the story of Jacob (fleeing to) Padan Aram 5. "Qian Gua" the story of Jacob (renamed) Israel 6. The story of "Kangua" Joseph being trafficked (into Egypt) by his brother 7. The story of "Li Gua" Moses leading the Israelites (exodus) 8. "Huan Gua" Song of Moses, the story of admiration and praise (crossing the Red Sea) This study adopts the method of comparing the interpretation of the "Book of Changes" by the "Bible". Reflecting each other, logically consistent, up and down", there are eight hexagrams like this, which is enough to prove that it is not a coincidence, but should be included in the great discovery of Chinese culture. For exploratory research, to unravel all the sixty-four hexagrams, more time and researcher investment are needed.


Book of Changes Bible Torah Moses Pentateuch King Wen of Zhou


