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Reading of The Record of Monasteries in Luoyang by Using DocuSky




The Record of Monasteries in Luoyang is the earliest record of monasteries in Chinese history. It describes the Buddhist culture and activities in Luoyang city in the late period of the Northern Wei dynasty. This paper deals with the process of building the database out of this text and the analysis of the phenomenon presented by the database. Also, this paper would demonstrate the method to sort out the text into a tabular formation and the procedure to convert it into a database. Through the management and functions brought by the database, users would find the categorized information has been presented structurally on the user interface. Benefited from the structural data arrangement and utilities of "postClassification" and "tagAnalysis," it would be not only immensely helpful for users to investigate the information that has long been ignored by the method of linear reading but also useful to attain diverse materials and further research out of this text.


杜協昌(2018)。DocuSky:個人文字資料庫的建構與分析平臺。數位典藏與數位人文,2,71-90。doi: 10.6853/DADH.201810_2.0004
胡其瑞(2020)。DocuSky 與民間故事型態分析。數位典藏與數位人文,6,37-65。doi:10.6853/DADH.202010_(6).0002
﹝北魏﹞楊衒之(n.d.)。洛陽伽藍記(四庫全書本)。取自 https://zh.m.wikisource.org/wiki/%E6%B4%9B%E9%99%BD%E4%BC%BD%E8%97%8D%E8%A8%98
﹝北魏﹞楊衒之(2021)。洛陽伽藍記。CBETA Online。取自 https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh/T2092。(CBETA, T51, no. 2092)
