  • 期刊


The Research in Reception of Exercise Motivation and Well-being--Case of the Running Program of a Girls' High School




Purpose: The purpose of this research was to understand the correlation between the female students' running motivation and their well-being. Methods: The participants were the students studying in Girls' High School. The data were collected via questionnaire, including a running motivation scale, a well-being scale, and their background information. Data were analyzed through t-test, One-way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. Results: 1. There was a significant variation in their running motivation, depending on their different periods of exercise, frequencies, hours and academic performance. 2. There was a positive correction between their running motivation and well-being. Conclusions: Coaches need to provide athletes with professional training and instruction, and to give athletes moderate and attentive care in order to create a quality learning environment. Coaches also need to apply leadership behaviors appropriately to develop team cohesion.
