  • 期刊


An Analysis of Research Typology for Master's Thesis in Tourism and Leisure Studies Related Taiwan Universities




With the rapid growth of my country's tourism industry since 2005, the establishment of Taiwanese higher education departments in the field of tourism and leisure has also shown a substantial increase. However, in recent years, tourism and leisure-related department sin higher education are facing the impact of declining birthrate. How to enhance the research energy to meet the future development trend of tourism? In this study, a total of 1232 abstracts from 2011 to 2020 were used as the material for content analysis. This research uses CORPRO Chinese independent corpus analysis tool. The study found that "the relationship and interaction between tourists, local people and places" is the main research topic of domestic postgraduate students, with a total of 663 papers accounting for 53.8%. Among them, the sub-topics of "tourism behavior and motivation, revisit intention and satisfaction" accounted for the largest proportion. In terms of research methods, quantitative research is the main method, with a total of 836 articles accounting for 67.9% of the total number of samples. This research suggests that the thesis written by master and doctoral students in the future can be directed in the following directions: 1. Non-single thinking mode and research method; 2. Cross-field integrated research; 3. Research on tourist destination imagery and local communities; 4. Master the research on the behavior change of tourists.


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