  • 期刊


Literature Review of Research on Parent-Child Conflict in Taiwan




This study reviewed twenty-nine peer-reviewed journal articles published in Taiwan. Separation-individuation and the dual filial piety model representing individualistic and collectivistic cultures were adopted in the analysis of these journal articles. The results of the analysis show that (1) the definitions of parent-child conflict vary according to the presumption of the parent-child relationship; (2) parent-child conflicts are regarded as negative factors in most studies; (3) the majority of research participants were teenagers; (4) academic performance, living habits, and friendship were the main issues in parent-child conflicts. Suggestions for future research include constructing a parent-child theory with cultural characteristics specific to China, conducting a longitudinal study and creating a parent-child dyadic design for exploring the entire progress of parent-child conflicts, increasing the diversity of samples, and exploring the positive consequences of parent-child conflicts.


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