  • 期刊


Understanding the Experiences of Oral Cancer Patients




After being diagnosed with cancer and going through the treatments, patients with oral cancer would undergo tremendous changes in life as a result of the changes in their organs and appearance, which then would contribute to building up a unique life experience. This study is to explore the life experience of patients with oral cancer after they have gone through operations, radiation and chemotherapies. A descriptive phenomenological method and purposive sampling were used for the data collection. The study was conducted in the wards of oral surgery in a hospital in central Taiwan. The semi-structured face-to-face interview was used. Data saturation was reached after interviews were conducted with 16 oral cancer patients. Narratives were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. The rigor was also achieved for the patients' subjective life experience in a more precise manner. The results of this study revealed four themes: physical unpleasantness, loneliness in social life, negative emotional feelings, power of positive support. These results reflect to some degree the life experience of oral cancer patients after treatment could be further used as references for the medical and nursing teams to provide customized and complete health care.


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