

Why Jesus Christ is still silent when he confronted with cross? From here, we can see the sufferings in our history. Is there any hope for the suffering people? The cross is human violence and not divine violence. From the silence of God, God uses the cross as a powerful protest against the enslavement of the human spirit by the traditions of the prevailing religion, not because God had abandoned him, but because God’s horror and grief must have turned into silent protest. In silence God is in profound agony with Jesus and through Jesus with victims of human atrocity. From another point of view, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" means God's being is in suffering and the suffering is in God’s being itself, because God is love. In the passion of the Son, the Father himself suffers the pains of abandonment. In the death of Son, death comes upon God himself, and the Father suffers the death of his Son in his love for forsaken man. That is, the crucified Christ is actually the crucified God. The cry on the cross also signifies the eschatological cry. The crucified Christ was understood in the light of his resurrection and that his resurrection was understood in the light of his future in the coming God and his glory. That is, the cross issue of Christ starts the eschatological issue. It is an eschatological hope for all creatures. From above, what is necessary for us to grapple with is the cross, not as an abstract theological concept but as historical reality related to the life of Jesus and to the lives of men, women, and children in the past and today. That the cross of Jesus means the crucified people. Jesus is the crucified people. The cross of Jesus and the cross of suffering women, men, and children are linked in God and disclose the heart of the suffering God. Jesus was a strong spokesperson on behalf of the marginalized people. But finally he was found in their company, on their side, and in solidarity with them.



