  • 會議論文


Take Game Theory with APP Games as the Medium to Convey Type 2 Diabetes Health Education Knowledge




According to the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, the diabetic increases by 25,000 persons per year in Taiwan, and the suffering rate is getting younger quickly. For example, the type 2 diabetic under the age of 20-years-old has increased 11% than decades before, and patients with the age between 20 to 40-years-old has increased up to 32%. However, many young diabetics are lack of the knowledge about diabetes, and that often makes them miss the best treatment period or can help them maintain a well-controlled status after being diagnosed. The research focuses on applying the game theory to infrastructure an APP game, transferring type 2 diabetes health education knowledge by playing the situation-decision game. By means of a more casual and familiar way, the APP game is adapted to convey the type 2 diabetes health education knowledge, trying to attract young people's attention to help them to care more about their health, and even more, take timely action to prevent the attack of diabetes. On the other hand, the research ties up the situational game and the game theory together, trying to analyze whether this integration could be helpful to pass on the diabetes health education knowledge to the players and guide them to build up a positive attitude towards diabetes.


