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An AtriaVentricular Premature Constraction Combined with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and Multiformi Ventricular Tachycardia Patient Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine




A case of a 47-year-old male patient suffered from arrhythmia for ten years. The illness had aggravated until half an year ago. Chest tightness and palpitation recurred and lead to insomnia. The patient came to the outpatient department of Cardiology for help. 24 hours Holter ECG revealed: 834 Premature ventricular contractions / 4,179 Premature atrial contractions, Short-run Ventricular tachycardia and Paroxysmal atrial Fibrillation with RVR. As the illness did not subsided after treatment, the man came to our Chinese medical department for help. According to the Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation, the pattern of identification was Deficiency of the Heart and the Spleen, combined with Phlegm lodged in the channels of the Heart. Guipi decoction and Wendan decoction were prescribed. Two weeks after, the patient came back and declared that the palpitation had decreased 80%. So we ordered the same prescription in the following six months. As the illness improved apparently, the patient came to the original hospital for further examination, and the 24 hours Holter EKG revealed: No Short-run VT and neither PAf were noted, and only 7 Premature ventricular contractions and 2 Premature atrial contractions were recorded. Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment had work as an effective treatment for arrhythemia in this case, We hoped this experience can provide useful opinion for doctors.


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