  • 期刊


A Study of Building Adaptive Re-use of Cultural Heritage within Publicity: Three Cases in Taiwan and Hong Kong




文化資產 公共性 建築活化


So far, society has been unable to reach a general consensus on the value of the preservation of cultural heritage, mainly due to the conflict between urban development and the preservation of old architecture. Therefore, this paper discusses how cultural heritage can be achieved through adaptive re-use to bring about positive and synergistic effects during the preservation of old architecture. Three examples are given of Old Police Stations in Taiwan and Hong Kong (Taipei, Taiwan, North Police Department along with Hong Kong's Old Tai O Police Station and Old Stanley Police Station), in which the author explores the important issue of publicity in cultural heritage work, especially that of adaptive re-use. Publicity has been a core issue in the dynamic process of moving from cultural heritage policy to practical planning; however, there should be a variety of coping strategies to deal with different cases of cultural heritage as well as different actions, whether it involves an attitude of debate, questioning , conflict, discussion or open learning, cultural heritage re-use is an important opportunity to engage the public and educate them. This study is not a judgment for the three cases; however, it offers a reinforcement of principles and an analysis of both the lack of publicity and its advantages. To get cultural heritage adaptive re-use projects taken seriously by the public, project leaders have to integrate publicity into their daily lives and continue to participate in local communities as the code of conduct, which is why the most important aim of this study is to emphasize the value of publicity in cultural heritage efforts.


Hauser, G. (1998) Vernacular Dialogue and the Rhetoricality of Public Opinion. Communication Monographs, 65(2), 83-107.
朱俊哲(1997)〈勘察老建物 赫然見水牢〉《聯合報》,1997年10月14日。
