  • 期刊


The Exploratory Study on the Protection Mechanism of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Japan




The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2001 by the Plenary Session of the 31st General Conference and entered into force on 2nd January 2009. This Convention consists of several main principles, such as in situ preservation as the first option, no commercial exploitation of a site, international cooperation, personnel training and information sharing. Since Taiwan was previously under Japanese colonial rule, and is situated on a nautical route from Japan to the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea, there are many sunken Japanese warships or wrecks in the waters surrounding Taiwan. Japan, is a neighboring country that has cultural and historical links with Taiwan, and as such there should be cooperation between both nations in the protection of underwater cultural heritage in the future. Although there is no specific underwater cultural heritage law in Japan, her regulations are still worthy of reference for the future development of underwater cultural heritage policies and management mechanisms in Taiwan, particularly in terms of the investigation, excavation, management, preservation and display of underwater cultural heritage, and more especially the practices of environmental impact assessment of cultural resources, in situ conservation and marine protected area management.


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