  • 會議論文


Blue Ocean Strategy Taipei Jhong Jheng Sports Center Current Status of Business


近年來,運動健身產業的發展,正處於激烈競爭的市場當中,倘若未及時提出因應策略,極易面臨到削價競爭甚至倒閉等危機。因此,各家業者紛紛尋求創新,以期脫離充滿競爭的紅海,欲創造屬於自己的藍色海洋。本文利用文獻分析法,研究者特別以歐洲商業管理學院(INSEAD)的金偉燦(W. Chan Kim)與莫伯尼(Renee Mauborgne)兩位教授於2005年提出一項新的管理理論觀點-藍海策略(Blue Ocean Strategy)?主要架構來分析臺北市中正運動中心的經營現況。首先介紹藍海策略之意涵與分析工具,再探討目前臺北市中正運動中心的經營現況,最後將兩者作結合並提出得到「重建市場邊界,開發新客源」和「追求差異化價值,遠離紅海競爭」二個原則。另外四個行動架構的建議?:臺北市中正運動中心採政府興建、民間營運之方式,紓解了營運上可能遇到的財務風險也逐漸消除過去公立運動場館營運不彰的情形,且提供了享受五星級的服務卻只要平價的消費、其更是創造了全天候的優質運動環境但仍要注意降低民眾使用設施的風險,秉持著服務全民的運動中心,高品質的服務絕對不能缺少,進而推行多角化的經營概念,方能維持組織持續獲利的能力。


藍海策略 運動中心


In recent years, sports and fitness industry are in a highly competitive marketplace. If coping strategies are not timely, easy to price competition even faces closure and other crises. Therefore, each industry are looking for innovative from the Red Ocean and want to create their own blue ocean. In this paper, literature review, researchers in particular the European Institute of Business Administration in W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne in 2005, they proposed a new management theory point of view-Blue Ocean Strategy as the main framework to analyze the Taipei Jhong Jheng Sports Center, the status of the operation. First introduced the meaning of Blue Ocean Strategy and analysis tools, and then explore the current Taipei Jhong Jheng Sports Center, the status of the operation, and finally as a combination of the two and made by ”reconstruct market boundaries, develop new customers” and ”the pursuit of differentiated value, far competition from the Red Ocean. Also recommended four action framework: Taipei City Government to build sports center, private operation of the means to alleviate the operation may be encountered on the gradual elimination of the financial risk of operating over the public sports venues not been apparent in the case, and provides services to enjoy five-star but as long as the parity of the consumer, which is to create a high quality all-weather sports environment, but people still pay attention to reduce the risk of using the facilities, services, uphold national sports center, high-quality The service must not be missing, then the implementation of the concept of diversification of the business in order to maintain the ability to organize sustained profitability.


Blue Ocean Strategy Sports Centre
