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The Effect of Teachers' Demographic Characteristics on Teachers' Disciplinary Team Attitude: A Meta-analysis


本研究旨在透過後設分析法(Meta-analysis),整合並分析國內過去以「教師對於專業團隊運作態度」為主題的19篇研究。研究者採用Hedges與Olkin(1985)的後設分析技術,並使用電腦軟體Comprehensive Meta-analysis 2.0進行後設分析。其中,教師背景變項包括:服務年資、聘任資格以及任教階段等三項;專業團隊運作態度變項則包括:專業知能、參與態度、參與程度、滿意程度及需求程度等五項。本研究結果發現:不同聘任資格之教師在專業團隊專業知能、參與態度及參與程度上達顯著差異:聘任資格為未修習特教學分之教師,在專業團隊參與程度上顯著低於整體教師;服務年資為「11-20年」的教師在專業團隊專業知能具備程度與參與程度上,顯著高於整體教師;服務年資為「21年以上」教師在專業團隊專業知能具備程度與參與程度上,顯著低於整體教師。


The aim of this research attempted to provide an objective analysis on 19 studies with theme of teachers' disciplinary team attitude via Meta-analysis. This research was applied and conduted the software of comprehensive meta-analysis by Hedges and Olkin's (1985). The variables of teachers' demographic characteristics was service seniority, qualifications and educational stage of teaching. Otherwise, the teachers' disciplinary team attitude was covered professional knowledge, participative attitude, participation, satisfaction and needs.The results of the research yielded positive evidence as follows: (1) There was significant difference between different qualifications in professional knowledge, participative attitude and participation of disciplinary.(2) Teachers that had no background in special education had less participation than the whole ones.(3) The teachers who had been teaching for 11~20 years had better professional knowledge and participation than the whole ones. The teachers who had been teaching for more than 20 years had lower ability in professional knowledge and participation than the whole ones.


