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The Occurrence and Combined Control of Frankliniella intonsa and Liriomyza bryoniae in Pea Plant


在台中縣新社鄉、南投縣埔里鎮及彰化縣大村鄉3個不同地區,自豌豆發芽後至採收完畢為止,每隔7~10天調查一次台灣花薊馬及番茄斑潛蠅發生情形,經連續11次調查結果發現,豌豆播種後約20天台灣花薊馬及番茄斑潛蠅即開始危害,一直到採收完畢,其危害相當嚴重。以2.8%畢芬寧E.C.等12種藥劑進行防治藥劑篩選結果,防治台灣花薊馬效果較佳者有2.8%畢芬寧E.C.、2.8%賽洛寧E.C.及25.3%美文松E.C.等3種;可有效防治番茄斑潛蠅者只有75%賽滅淨W.P. 1種。使用黃色粘板與農藥綜合防治上述兩種害蟲能明顯提升其效果。以2.8%畢芬寧E.C.及75%賽滅淨W.P.等藥劑進行聯合防治及不同施藥間隔與次數防治台灣花薊馬及番茄斑潛蠅結果,每隔7天、14天及21天或每10天、15天及20天施藥一次之防治效果及產量均差異不顯著。綜合上述結果,於豌豆播種後約20天起,每隔15天~20天施用2.8%畢芬寧E.C. 1,000倍加75%賽滅淨W.P. 5,000倍1次,即可同時防治台灣花薊馬及番茄斑潛蠅危害。


The occurrence of F. intonsa and L. bryoniae were investigated every 7-10 days from germination to harvesting stage of pea plants at Shinsheh, Puli and Tatsuen areas. It showed that F. intonsa and L. bryoniae began to damage the pea plants at 20 days after seeding to the end of harvesting. Since the population density of both species were high during the crop season, the damages in the pea plants was severe. Screening chemicals for control of F. intonsa showed that 2.8% Bifenthrin E.C., 2.8% Cyhalothrin E.C. and 25.3% Mevinphos E.C. provided a satisfactory control; while only 75% Cyromazine W.P. gave an acceptable result for control of L. bryoniae . Integrating yellow sticky cards or silver PE film with insecticidal application could not enhance distinctly the effectiveness for control of the pests. Application of 2.8% Bifenthrin E.C. and 75% Cyromazine W.P. at 7- to 21-day intervals did not show significant difference in control effect and yield. From above results, it was concluded that application of 2.8% Bifenthrin E.C. 1000x plus 75% Cyromazine W.P. 5000x at 15- to 20-day intervals from 20 days after seeding could provide a satisfactory control of F. intonsa and L. bryoniae on pea plants.
