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Effects of Different Training Methods on Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)


本研究目的在探討不同整枝栽培對番茄生育及產量之影響,結果顯示番茄歷次累積產量變化,以E處理者(V型雙幹整枝)表現最好,其總產量累積最迅速,而以傳統人字籬架單幹整枝(A處理者)則總產量累積最趨緩。在可售果數佔總果數的比例,以E處理者最高達71.5%,並以提高特級果數居多。在單果性狀方面,於採收末期除了對可溶性固形物影響不具顯著性以外,其餘果高、果徑及單果重都顯著受整枝處理的影響。單株產量以E處理者顯著提高至3,063 g,惟單位面積株數較少;若換算單位面積,則較傳統人字籬架單幹整枝略低。因此未來方向將為如何提升番茄V型整枝方式之產量,以達產量及品質兼顧,提高農民收益。


番茄 整枝 產量 品質


The purpose of this experiment was to assess the effects of different training methods on yield and fruit quality of tomato. Results indicated that the treatment of two shoot under V-type training condition (E-treatment) had greater total yield and fruit number than the treatment of one shoot under A-type training (A-treatment). The treatment of two shoot under V-type training methods (E-treatment) resulted in highest percentage 71.5% of marketable fruit and grade A fruit (by number). There were no significant differences on fruit total soluble solid content among treatments. But there are significant difference on fruit height, fruit weight and single fruit weight. The highest unit plant yield 3.06 kg was obtained from E type of training, but it had lower total yield than other treatments due to less plant numbers per unit area. More effect needs to be update to increase the unit area yield before the adoption of V-type training in tomato culture.


tomato training yield quality


Tuan, N. M. (2013). 栽培技術對不同蓮霧品種果實發育及品質之研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00100
