  • 期刊


Studies on the Processing Technology and Quality Improvement of Cucumbers


採用美國加工用品種小黃瓜(Petoseed Hybrid No. 3431013)以及臺灣品種(新翠青)小黃瓜爲原料,以不同的配方及加工技術製成各種不同的醃潰小黃瓜(蒔蘿酸黃瓜,酸黃瓜,甜黃瓜和中國傳統式醬瓜)。同時就其貯藏期間品質的變化情形加以測定分析,並對於本地新翠青品種及美國加工用品種之小黃瓜所製成的成品品質加以比較,以做爲製造技術和品質改進參考,所得結果歸納如下: (1)美國加工用小黃瓜品種較新翠青小黃瓜品種栽培產量低,且植株易罹病。 (2)中國傳統式醬瓜酸度與糖度皆較西式醃漬小黃瓜爲低。 (3)以美國加工用品種做成的西式醃漬小黃瓜,其脆度較新翠青品種的製成品爲佳。但中國傳統式醬瓜的製造,則新翠青比上述美國加工用品種有較好的脆度。 (4)以美國加工用品種及新翠青兩種製成西式醃漬小黃瓜,均以整粒瓜脆度最佳,而片狀瓜脆度較差。 (5)中式醬瓜的脆度在室祖下3個月貯藏期間,已有顯著下降,而西式醃漬小黃瓜則變化不大明顯。 (6)以不同配方製成品,當官能品評試驗時組織與色澤方面差異不顯著,但在香氣與風味方面則有顯著地差異。


醬瓜 品質改進


Two cucumber varieties, Petoseed Hybrid No. 3431013 from New Jersey, U.S.A. and Hsin-Chiua-Chin (新翠青) were used to make various kinds of pickles, such as dill pickles, sour pickles, sweet pickles and Chinese-style pickles. Changes in pH value, sweetness, saltiness, crispness and color during four-month storage in room temperature were investigated. A comparison of quality between products from American and Taiwan varieties of cucumbers was also studied. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The production yield of Petoseed Hybrid No. 1431013 was lower than that of Hsin-Chiua-Chin variety. It is found that the former was more susceptive to the peat than the later in Taipei area. 2. The acidity and sweetness of Chinese-style pickles were lower than that of western-style pickles. 3. The western-style pickles made from American variety of cucumbers were more crisp than those made from Hsin-Chiua-Chin variety. But the Chinese-style pickles made from Hsin-Chiua-Chin variety of cucumbers were more crisp than those made from American variety, 4. Among the western-style pickles made from both American and Taiwan varieties, the whole pickles without cutting were the moot crunchy ones, while the sliced ones were the least. 5. The crispness of Chinese-style pickles decreased during three month storage in room temperature while the crispness of western-style pickles remained almost the same. 6. By sensory analysis, the differences in texture and color among all the products were not significant, but the differences in aroma and taste were quite significant.
