  • 期刊


Genetic Relationship between Ornamental Bromeliads of Centric South America and Commerical Cultivars in Taiwan


本試論以市場上商業值较高的7屬18種觀賞鳳梨爲材料,進行逢機增殖DNA片段(Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA, RAPD)的分析。由20個RAPD引子所産生的條帶之中,共獲得119個具多型性的分子標志。在屬間鑑别上,4個爲Cryptanthus屬所特有,3個爲Dyckia屬所特有,2個爲Guzmania屬所特有,12個爲Neoregelia屬所特有,1個爲Tillandsia屬所特有,1個爲Vriesea屬所特有。在種間鑑别上,30個多型性的分子標志爲各種間所特有之差異條帶,其它則爲多型性條帶,可以用來分辨不同的物種,尤其是外觀相似的不同物種。利用Jaccard方法所求出不同樣本之間的相似度及UPGMA方法所建立出来的親緣關係圖,除結果顯示舆形態分類學一樣之外,本試論結果所得之屬舆種專一性分子標誌更可提供日後觀賞鳳梨栽培品種鑑别良好工具。


The RAPD markers were used to analyze the genetic similarity among eighteen collected accessions and cultivars attributed to seven genera of Bromeliaceae. A total of 119 markers were obtained from 20 RAPD primers. In genus identification, there are four, three, two, twelve, one, and one markers specific to Cryptanthus, Dyckia, Guzmznia, Neoregelia, Tillandsia, and Vriesea, respectively. Besides, all the eighteen tested accessions could be identified with thirty proposed markers. The result suggests that these thirty markers are useful tools for genera and species or cultivars discrimination, especially for species with high morphological similarity. The dendrogram established by Jaccard and UPGMA methods is coincident with the taxonomy. Moreover, our studies suggest a potential molecular marker to identify the cultivars of Bromeliaceae.
