  • 期刊


Studies of Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Technique on Identification of Flower Color and Somaclonal Variation in Phalaenopsis




Sixteen primer pairs were applied to amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses of different Phalaenopsis cultivars grouped by flower colors as red, white and white with red-lips. AFLP patterns generated by E1M6 and E3M4 primer pairs could successfully separate all mother plants and regenerants of 'W1-3' and 'WR1-3' into 3 flower color groups by similarity analysis. However, none of tested primer pairs was able to distinguish cultivars within same flower color character. Mother plant of Phalaenopsis 'WR3-21' and its tissue-cultured derivatives classified as normal plants and somaclonal variants by their phenotypes were used for genetic fidelity test. Clear polymorphic banding patterns from E4M5, E6M8 and E7M5 primer pairs were observed on samples of somaclonal variant but not on normal regenerants. These polymorphic bands could become potential molecular markers on detection of somaclonal variations. In addition, banding patterns of somaclonal variants were more diverse from mother plant in comparing patterns of normal regenerants.
