  • 期刊


Identification of the Wild Citrus from Tong-Luo Using Morphological Characteristics


民國八十八年於苗栗縣銅鑼鎮樟樹林地區發現野生柑橘族群,至九十二年十二月止,共現地標誌13株,並以衛星導航系統(GPS)定位記錄,其中1株於調查期間受風災遺失。將野生柑橘族群比對已知文獻及蠟葉標本後,初步鑑定此野生柑橘族群最有可能爲臺灣原生種柑橘屬植物南庄橙(Citrus taiwanica Tan. & Shim.),以「南庄橙疑似種」稱之。調查葉、花、果之分類性狀,比對主要柑橘種類及嘉義試驗分所保存之南庄種原。野生柑橘族群中,1號株多處不同,性狀不符合南庄橙特徵,排除爲南庄橙之可能。其餘11株疑似株,族群內無顯著差異,爲單一族群,性狀表現不同於台灣現有的主要柑橘種類,與南庄橙相近。群集分析及主成分分析的結果,疑似種各單株間性狀最接近,而與嘉義分所南庄橙及酸橙相似性最高,具有較近的親緣關係,三者間可確實區分。由於野生柑橘族群與南庄橙種原外型極度相近,而與酸橙有親緣關係高,但兩者具決定性可分辨性狀,因此認爲銅鑼地區之野生柑橘族群極可能爲南庄橙,或酸橙於臺灣本島的新變種。


南庄橙 分類 鑑定


The wild citrus population was found in Tongluo, Miaoli county in 1999. Each individual was assigned numbers and oriented by global positioning satellite (GPS), respectively. One missed during the investigation. The wild citrus is the most similar to Citrus taiwanica, according to the specimen (in TAI) and the description in related references. All leaf and flower characters were investigated to distinguish which species the wild citrus is belong to. The standard of species comes from the citrus germplasm of Chiayi Agriculture Experiment Station (CAES). The identification showed that one of the wild citrus is different from others, and was exclusive of the suspects of C. taiwanica. The results of cluster analysis and principle component analysis suggested the wild citrus are related to C. aurantium and C. taiwanica, but each of three was distinguishable. Due to the highly similar appearance between the wild citrus and C. taiwanica, and the most relationship with C. aurantium by the analysis, the wild citrus might be the C. taiwanica, or the new variety of C. aurantium on Taiwan island.


Lee, T. H. (2009). 台灣草苺(Fragaria hayatae Makino)之植物性狀及其與‘桃園三號’草苺(Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.)之種間雜交 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00147
