  • 期刊


Effects of Ethylene and 1-Methylcyclopropene on Postharvest Quality of Potted Dendrobium


本研究係爲瞭解秋石斛蘭(Dendrobium, phalaenopsis type 與antelope type)盆花對乙烯的敏感度,同時也探討1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)能否抑制逆境乙烯所造成的花朵萎凋。分別以2、6及10 μL•L^(-1)乙烯處理Den. Sonia,6 μL•L^(-1)乙烯處理Den. Burana White各12小時,皆造成最大、次大花苞及未完全展開之花朵黃化萎凋,且於3-4日後掉落。完全展開之花朵及較小的花苞則不受乙烯之影響。亦即不同成熟度的花朵、花苞對乙烯的敏感度不同。前處理800 nL•L^(-1) 1-MCP 8小時,可有效抑制乙烯對Den. Sonia及Den. Burana White花朵或花苞的不利影響。Den. Ria對乙烯的耐受性良好,以2或6 μL•L^(-1)乙烯處理12小時,僅造成小花梗上偏性生長(epinasty),而花朵與花苞並未萎凋。


The objectives of this study were to determine the ethylene tolerance of potted flowering Dendrobium (phalaenopsis type and antelope type) and the effect of 1-methylcycloprone (1-MCP) on protecting the flowers against ethylene injury. Den. Sonia were treated with 2, 6, and 10 μL•L^(-1) ethylene, and Den. Burana White with 6 μL•L^(-1) ethylene for 12 hours each. The opening flower as well as the largest and second largest flower buds faded and wilted in 3-4 days, while fully opened flowers and younger flower buds were not affected. The susceptibility to ethylene varied with the developmental stage of the flowers. When Den. Sonia and Den. Burana White were pretreated with 800 nL•L^(-1) 1-MCP for 8 hours, their flowers and flower buds were not injured by ethylene. Dendrobium Ria was more resistant to ethylene than the other 2 cultivars tested. Exposure to 2 or 6 μL•L^(-1) ethylene for 12 hours caused only epinasty growth of peduncle but not wilting of flowers or buds.


orchids postharvest life flower senescence 1-MCP epinasty
