  • 期刊

Heat Conduction in Composites with Superconducting Matrix-Inclusion Interfaces







The effective conductivities of regular arrays of aligned long fibers possessive of superconducting interfaces are studied. Two most common two-dimensional arrays are investigated: square and hexagonal arrays. A dimensionless quantity, termed the dipole polarizability, which is a simple function of a dimensionless interfacial conductance parameter, C, and the normalized conductivity of the fiber, α, and ranges from –1 to 1, is identified to characterize the overall interfacial properties. The normalized effective conductivity of the composite can be viewed as a function of the dipole polarizability and the volume fraction of the fiber. The dipole polarizability is found to be a unified parameter applying equally well to effective conductivity problems with the matrix-fiber interface in perfect contact or possessive of an interfacial resistance, only that the expression for the dipole polarizability is different for the different problem. A universal contour plot in the dipole polarizability vs. fiber volume fraction domain is constructed for the normalized effective conductivity of the composite. A critical C (=1-α) is identified, at which the overall conductivity effect of the fiber is neutral.
