  • 期刊


Clinical Case Report of Scientific Chinese Medicine about Continuous Itch


美國已於西方醫學,即所謂的主流醫學之外,另外成立了另類暨補充醫學研究中心,來研究世界上其他種類的醫學學問與技術,其中,最重要的首推中國醫學。中國大陸近年來在中國醫學的現代化研究上,頗有進展,是全世界所知的。台灣的中醫界,在衛生署中醫藥委員會的鼓勵與推動下,進行許多中醫科學化的研究,得到許多的寶貴經驗。尤其在中醫健保裏,鼓勵醫師使用科學儀器來佐證中醫藥的科學性,確實讓中醫現代化更往前邁進一大步。在今天的本文中,作者以一個新穎的物理概念來嘗試解釋與探討中醫臨床案例,希望醫師能獲得一些啓發與參考。 陳○○小妹妹,九歲,手足皮膚脂屑狀脫皮、持續性搔癢已數月,經西醫檢查診斷為濕疹與香港腳,服用類固醇二顆/三日與相關抗生素。經介紹至本院看診,吾見精神安定,體格偏瘦,食慾尚可,大便偏硬,舌體瘦紅而苔白潤,脈象滑數,掉髮現象,時有咳嗽,手指、大足趾與足底處有多處且大面積的脫皮、甚至潰爛,疑皮膚發炎與小兒癢抓所致,夜晚更是嚴重。經能量醫學儀器檢測,發現為左腎經絡系統先天不足,心系統偏弱,壓力指數尚可,肝硬化的能量頻譜。經過五個月的中醫治療,提升不足的能量,發現皮膚慢慢復原收口,最後痊癒。父母非常感謝本診所。


皮膚 濕疹 香港腳


Beside the orthodox medicine, the so called western medicine, in America, a new medical research center, that is the Alternative and Supplementary medical center, has been established for studying another kind of medicine on earth. Within it, the most important of all is the Chinese medicine. These years, many people use scientific methods to study Chinese medicine. Now we use one point of view, that is, the spectrum of electronic wave, which is belonged to the energy medicine, to study one case, and this is for your reference. The nine year old girl is suffering from continuous itch and desquamation over the upper limbs and feet for many months which was diagnosed as eczema and athlete's foot by western medicine and which was prescribed 2 pills of steroid for every 3 days and related antibiotics. The girl comes to our clinic via people’s introduction. We see she has well oriented consciousness, thin body, well appetite, hard stool, thin and red tongue, white and juicy moss on the tongue, sliding and quick pulse, fallen hairs, sometimes cough, skin peeling, even ulcerating over the fingers, big toes and foot plates, suspectedly resulted by inflammation of skin and kid scratch, severelier at midnight. Through the help of scientific machine detecting, we find out she has the genital weakness in her left kidney meridian system, heart weakness, normal pressure, and liver cirrhosis. Through 5 month treatment, we promote her energy under the principles of Chinese medicine, and we find out her skin is recovering again and again and then entirely recovered after all. Her parents thank us very much.


skin itch eczema athlete's foot
