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TCM Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Case Study


一15 歲男性少年自幼即有異位性皮膚炎(Atropic dermatitis)及過敏性鼻炎病史,長期服用西藥控制。異位性皮膚炎於七歲後狀況轉佳,但一年前復發,以抗組織胺、類固醇治療效果不顯著,全身搔癢情形嚴重,熱則加劇,患處丘疹(papule)密集成片,皮膚紋理增厚成苔蘚化(lichehification),瘢痕(scar)纍纍,鱗屑(scale)脫落嚴重,證屬風熱壅盛,治以清熱瀉火、袪風止癢的黃連解毒湯及消風散為主,搔癢症狀隨即獲得控制,經三個月治療症狀日漸改善。但又突發搔癢情形嚴重,全身丘疹色紅,多處抓痕及痂皮,再以前法治療卻效果不彰,經詳細診察詢問後,判斷與情緒緊張有關,遂再酌加寧心安神之品,皮膚搔癢症狀再度改善而取得滿意療效。


A 15 years-old male has a history of atopic dermatitis and allergic rhnitis, and is under control by taking Western medication. His atopic dermatitis relapsed one year ago, and has no significant improvement by using anti-histamin and steroid. Severe itchiness aggrevates when it is warm. His pattern differentiation is wind and heat abundance. The treatment principle is to purge fire, expel wind to relieve itching, and the prescribed formulas are HuangLianJieDuTang and XiaoFengSan. After three months of treatment, symptoms have improved. Later the itchiness is getting worse, and there is no improvement when previous treatment is applied. After careful diagnosis, the itchiness might be related to nervousness. Therefore, calming herbs are added on top of previous formula, and a satisfying result is reached.
