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Case Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment on Insomnia




失眠 不寐 肝鬱氣滯


A 41-year-old female patient suffered from mild depression and has been followed-up regularly in psychiatric department. The patient also suffered from on-and-off insomnia for the past 5 years with symptoms of difficulty sleeping, dreams, light sleep, waking up easily with difficulty falling asleep, and symptoms have worsen from last year. She even started to have nocturia 1-2 times a night. She has been taking psychiatric medication started from March 2012, but the symptoms have stayed the same. From TCM diagnosis, the patient was found nervous, anxious and stressed out about life and work. She often felt dry mouth, dry eyes, distention and hiccups after meal. Her stool is dry and hard with difficult bowel movement once a day. She has frequent urination and often felt unfinished after peed. Her menstrual cycle started earlier with dark colour and pre-menstrual distention. Her tongue is slim, red, dry, scanty coating, dark spots on the tip. Her pulse is deep, thread and speedy. Based on the symptoms, the diagnosis is liver qi stagnation with deficient fire and deficient heart yin. We prescribed herbs to soothe liver stagnation, nutrient yin and clear heat, nutrient heart and calm the spirit. Her insomnia was improved. Therefore, TCM treatment on insomnia is all overall diagnosis and treatment package.


insomnia liver qi stagnation


張志強、劉春,楊毓書教授應用疏肝解郁法治療心悸學術思想淺析,JETCM. Aug. 2014,Vol. 23,No.8 , p.1740-p.1741
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