  • 期刊


Saving the World with the Ba-Gu Writing (八股文) ? - On Liou Xi-zai's (劉熙載) View of Saving the World


Since the Suei and the Tang Dynasties, attending the national examination Ke-ju (科舉) has been the quickest path for the Confucian scholars to demonstrate their study and eventually serve their country. The Ba-Gu Writing was the major form of this examination, lasting for over 500 hundred years. The Confucian scholars“saved the world”(經世) through taking this path; therefore, this paper studies the relevant oeuvres collected in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the views on Ba-Gu writings proffered by the scholars of the time in order to understand what saving the world and Ba-Gu Ke-ju examination embedded both in its form and its content. From his General Commentary on the Classical Literature (經義概) of the famed Qing Dynasty scholar Liou Xi-zai and his biographical life, it's not difficult to find that he does have his own special observation. His is indeed an inspiring view on saving the world! Shang Yian-liou (商衍鎏) has this to say about the Ba-Gu Writing:“A thousand words cannot dig into its secret, and a thousand years cannot get to its source.”To this Ba-Gu writings that have influenced hundreds of thousands of people’s lives and had tremendous impact on the history and culture of the entire social life of a time, we should correctly gauge its value instead of just giving it up as trash.


八股文 時文 經世文 經義 劉熙載


Since the Suei and the Tang Dynasties, attending the national examination Ke-ju (科舉) has been the quickest path for the Confucian scholars to demonstrate their study and eventually serve their country. The Ba-Gu Writing was the major form of this examination, lasting for over 500 hundred years. The Confucian scholars“saved the world”(經世) through taking this path; therefore, this paper studies the relevant oeuvres collected in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the views on Ba-Gu writings proffered by the scholars of the time in order to understand what saving the world and Ba-Gu Ke-ju examination embedded both in its form and its content. From his General Commentary on the Classical Literature (經義概) of the famed Qing Dynasty scholar Liou Xi-zai and his biographical life, it's not difficult to find that he does have his own special observation. His is indeed an inspiring view on saving the world! Shang Yian-liou (商衍鎏) has this to say about the Ba-Gu Writing:“A thousand words cannot dig into its secret, and a thousand years cannot get to its source.”To this Ba-Gu writings that have influenced hundreds of thousands of people’s lives and had tremendous impact on the history and culture of the entire social life of a time, we should correctly gauge its value instead of just giving it up as trash.
