  • 期刊


A Project to Enhance Accuracy Rate of Ultra-low Temperature Refrigerator Management




Ultra-low temperature refrigerators are important storage sites for preserving cranial bones for either re-implantation or returning to donor's family. Assuring correct execution of the access operation determines patient safety and medical quality. The aim of this proposal was to ensure correct execution of the storage access operation. An investigation revealed that: 1). Nursing staff lack experience in executing the access operation and the procedure for returning bones to the family; 2). Lack of procedural indicators, pertinent training program, precise standard operating procedure, correct equipment maintenance record, and inspection system. The proposed improvements were: holding continuous education program, make procedural flow chart and indicators, draft trouble shooting manual, establish regular maintenance, periodic inspection of equipment and a tracking mechanism. After appropriate intervention, the correct execution of access operation increased from 83% to 100%. The cognition of correct execution of access operation increased from 85% to 100%. We concluded that correct execution of access operation could avoid preventable mistakes and assure the preservation of preserved patient tissues.
