  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Burned Pregnant Patient


燒傷在各種意外傷害中,對人類的影響頗巨。而孕婦燒傷對病人而言更是場災難性的經驗,其傷害不只是母體,更可能危及胎兒。孕婦燒傷在醫療方面之處理原則是視燒傷傷害是否危及母親或胎兒之存活來決定是否繼續或終止懷孕。護理人員則提供不僅是生命的延續,這包括促進傷口癒合,減少疤痕增生及避免畸型發生等護理措施。本案是一位懷孕28週的婦女,因酒精燈燃燒造成2-3度20%體表面積(Total Body Surface Area: TBSA)的火焰燒傷。在住院期間針對其(1)組織灌流改變(2)疼痛(3)害怕(4)皮膚完整性受損(5)自我概念紊亂等健康問題提出討論。本文除探討懷孕燒傷患者之生理、心理及傷後復健等問題外,並就懷孕燒傷之特殊性,個別性及具體性之護理措施提出討論與建議,以提升護理品質,達到身、心、靈的全人照護。


懷孕 燒傷


Bums are one of the most severe kinds of injuries that may ever affects a human beings, especially are a particularly unfortunately combination during pregnancy. The effects of bums on the fetus and mother are detrimental. The principle of treatment of a burned pregnant patient is not to affect the survival of the bum victim and the fetus. Weather or not to terminate the pregnancy depends on the effects of bum on the fetus and burned patient. Nursing care involves the promotion of wound healing, decrease in formation of hypertrophic scars and prevention of the possible teratogenic effects of bum management. We reported the experience of caring a female with pregnancy of 28 weeks sustaining a 20% TBSA (total body surface area) 2nd to 3rd degree flame bum. This article is going to discuss the hemodynamic changes, wound management, pain, anxiety and self image of the patient, with emphasis on the pathophysiology, psychological impact, specificity and individuality of clinical nursing care and the rehabilitation of a burned pregnant woman.


pregnancy burn
