

德國城市及鄉鎮的永續發展,是現今社會大眾廣泛辯論的焦點。由於財政資金的缺乏、不斷增加的社會福利支出、非加值型營業稅收的銳減,以及地方政府在執行自願辦理事項及義務辦理事項時所産生的一些問題中,可以明顯看出,各城市及鄉鎮所必須要克服的難題。當然,財政危機並非地方所面臨的唯一挑戰。面對全球化、資訊與通訊技術的飛快進展,以及不斷升高的競爭,都導致在經濟方面及社會方面的全盤轉變。 這樣的發展也促使在政治上及行政部門,對改革開始有更積極深入的探討。而這段期間在行政部門也已經進行了很多的改革,並且還持續進行中。所謂「新公共管理」或者更確切的說,在德國稱為「新管理模式」,指的就是致力將企業管理的方法引進到公共行政部門做為管理方法。 為瞭解當前的改革,有必要回顧一下德國地方自治的歷史發展沿革。從日耳曼時代的村落開始,繼續發展到中世紀的城鎮,以及到所謂地方自治「誕生的時刻」(Geburtsstunde)-史坦的普魯士城市法規,都指出了德國行政部門的形成與價值地位。然而,甚至在威瑪共和國時代、國家社會主義時期,以及西元1945年後在德意志民主共和國(東德),特別是在德意志聯邦共和國(西德)不同的發展,也都對今日的行政部門產生影響。 目前地方自治已規定於統一後的德國聯邦法及各邦法中,甚至連行政部門的組織及任務,也都同樣地規定在德國的聯邦法及各邦法中。 德國的社會在聯邦共和國體制下的歷史演進過程中持續進展。因此,對行政部門的期待與要求也隨之起了變化。從傳統照章行事的地方行政,到90年代服務型的地方行政,再到理想的市民參與型的地方行政,這樣的轉變對很多行政部門而言,仍是一條崎嶇,且工作繁複的路途。 這篇文章「德國行政部門的變革」指出,行政部門為了改革與創新,採取了不同的作法。而永續發展原則在第二次世界大戰後,更加強烈地導入德國行政部門及政治上。對此,文中也做了詳盡的描述,並舉實例說明。本文敘述了德國的行政部門在歷經了不同的改革年代後,得到一個暫時性的結論,並指出了,要完成改革之路。還有哪些必要的措施。


Sustainable development of cities and townships in Germany are currently the focus of wide debate in the general public. Due to lack of financial budgets, continuously increasing social welfare expenditure, and sharp decrease of non-value-added sales tax revenues, and from certain problems incurred by local governments when handling voluntary matters and mandatory matters, we can clearly identify problems that must be solved by the cities and townships. Certainly the financial crisis is not the only challenge faced by local governments. Globalization, development of information and communication technology at lightning speed, as well as constantly rising competition all lead to overall change on the economic side and on the social side. This kind of development also enforces political leaders and the administrative sector to begin conducting more active and thorough study on reforms. While during this period of time, the administrative sector has also engaged in many reforms, which are still under continuous efforts. The so-called ”new public administration,” or, to be more specific, ”new administrative model” as stated in Germany, refers to the endeavors to introduce business administration methodology to the public administrative sector as management methods. To understand the current reforms, it is indeed necessary to review the historic course of change in Germany's local governance. From villages in the Germanic era at the beginning, local governance continued to develop in medieval townships, and then to the so-called ”Moment of Birth” (Geburtsstunde) of local governance-Stein's Preussen city regulations, where they all point out formation, value and position of Germany's administrative sector. However, the different types of change, even in the Weimar Republic era, the National Socialism period, and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after 1945, especially in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), all have influence on the administrative sector today. Currently local governance has been prescribed in Germany's federal law and individual state laws after the country's reunification, and even the organization and missions of the administrative sector are also mandated in Germany's federal law and various state laws. The German society has been continuously making progress in the course of its historic development under the federal republic system. Therefore, expectations and requirements upon the administrative sector have accordingly changed as well. From the conventional by-the-book local administration, to the service-oriented local administration in the 1990s, and further to the ideal citizen-participated local administration, this kind of transition is still a road that is rugged and full of complex tasks to many administrative sectors. This paper, ”Reforms in Germany's Administrative Sector,” indicates that the administrative sector adopts different measures to implement reform and innovation. And the principle of sustainable development was more vigorously introduced into Germany's administrative sector and politics after WWII. In this regard, detailed descriptions are made in this paper as well, and actual examples are given. This paper comes to a temporary conclusion after describing how Germany's administrative sector has experienced different eras of reforms, and indicates which necessary measures shall be further adopted to complete the journey to reform.

